Does My Being Old Intimidate You?

If you say so. Although, since I'm older than he is, I think it technically works both ways. :hmmm:
It does not
Me too! :awesome: And maybe that explains what happened here:


On most of the other fora I frequent, an age of 27 would make you one of the junior members, so no I am not intimidated ;)
hardly it gives the rest of us someone to talk to about how our adult depends just dont fit right,how when we slip we break our hips and how those damn younguns' just dont listen to their elders advise because they think we are senile
Being old is ftw, we can moan how shit aint like it used to be, we can yell at kids on our lawn, and we get people who are considerate to us and will open doors for us :wacky:
Being old is ftw, we can moan how shit aint like it used to be, we can yell at kids on our lawn, and we get people who are considerate to us and will open doors for us :wacky:

And we can nag on the younguns for listening to that newfangled hippity-hop music :D
l've been old since i was 15 and havent changed physically(some may mentally as well>_<)
Just because you older don't mean you have to get old thats what old age is for....but even then......
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