Nintendo Don't Laugh! FFCC WiiWare


Dark Knight
Jun 12, 2009
So, who here has played the Wii Ware installment, Crystal Chronicals: My Life as a King?

If so, did you like it? Hate it?

Generally, there is a large mutual feeling of bitter dislike for this game from what I understand. I bought the game about a year ago. And, at the risk of being bitch slapped, I'm going to have to say I enjoyed it for the first week or two. The game seemed almost addictive, even though you knew it was shit. And the brain numbing music that NEVER stops playing is still burned into my head. But despite all of that, I think it and still is one of the most worth while Wii Ware games out there. And that just goes to show how shitty Wii Ware REALLY is.

Also, there is a new version coming out, that I know very little of. It is called Crystal Chronicals: My Life as the Dark Lord. Now, this I think has the potential to be epicly awesome. This seems like a step up from being a wimpy little ten year old king. That was My Life as a Fatherless Ten Year Old. This game is moe like My Life as a Total Badass. I mean come on, who doesn't think the Darklord is a total badass. But that is when I learned that this game was more of a mini-game, defend your tower kind of thing. And to make it worse, you play as the dark lords daughter, so the game has a girly theme to it with hears and cute little stuffed "Tonbettys".

So, all in all, I think these very cutesy wootsey childish FF knockoffs very much put into perspective the fate of Nintendo bound FF games. It sincerely worries me that Nintendo is getting all wrapped up in this Crystal Chronical series. The trend first started as a Gamecube game, and now is continuing on the Wii in many forms.

But the release of FFIV on the DS does shine a strand of hope. But in my opinion, the re-making of FFIV was almost inevitable for Nintendo.

What are your thoughts? Do you think Nintendo is going in the right direction?

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Did we lose related series...? I can't find it in the 'move to' list :gonk:

Thread Moved to Nintendo
I don't mind the Crystal Chronicles series, Echoes of Time and Rings of Fate at least, it'll keep me happy until I complete it, although I wouldn't actually go out and physically buy the game, because it's not that good >.> I've yet to play My Life as a King, but my concern is this crappy WiiWare thing they have going on with Final Fantasy, sorry, but the day new games start being available for only download is that start of a series going downhill, which looks like what Crystal Chronicles is doing, if the game was good enough and was going to attract a big crowd then they'd release it for the Wii via an actual game disk. I'd stay clear of the FFWiiWare games tbh >.>
I totally agree. The WiiWare seems to give non-independent game makers an incentive to make lower quality games.

The actual console series wasn't bad. FFCC was actually one of the first Final Fantasy games I ever played. They just seem to not be improving.

EDIT: I added in a new part about My Life as a Dark Lord.
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