Playstation Drakengard


Stealth Dragoon
Dec 28, 2006
Ok the graphic's on the first one werent the best but the games are brillant the storys are twisted(flying god babies anyone) and the gameplay is just fun killing hundreds of people on foot and on a dragon and caim si such a cool character
Im playing the 2nd one right now, I LOVVVVVVVVEEEEE it....its like, actually keeping me from starting FF12
Has anyone played this I dont know many that have its a really good game! Made by Square-Enix.

The game's protagonists are Caim, his best friend Inuart, and their companions. The plot revolves around a war between the Union and the Empire. Every playable character makes a pact with a powerful beast, and pays a price for joining the pact. This concept in the Drakengard series is called "pact pricing." In the process of forging such a pact, humans are branded with a mark called a "pact emblem," which appears on a part of their body associated with the price they pay. However, the bonds that tie a human with the magical creature he/she made the pact with in life, also binds them both in death as long as the creature allows it so.

Drakengard Series

That game is AWESOME. I never knew how fun it'd be to destroy a whole army with a single well placed fireball. The only complaint I have about the game is you tend to press the same button over and over again, but it's still fun. more complaint: Nowe whines to much!!

C'mon, talk about this game but please, PLEASE, don't spoil to much. Haven't beaten Drakengard 2 yet lol.
Yeah the game is pretty interesting. I like how every weapon has a little backstory to it.
I had Drakenguard...eventually got bored and sold it. I really despised the flying levels, and as far as hack n slash games of that sort was fun, but I preferred the dynasty warriors series...not sure why, I think because it gave more of a sense of being in actual wars when you would fight alongside your troops and such.

At any rate I can't play any of these types of games for long without getting bored, I have to be in a certain mood for them.
I beat the first Drakengard, and i've just beat Drakengard 2 recently.

I love these games, they're pretty fun.

I'll just say the end of Drakengard 2 is kinda unexpected, and sad if you really get into the storyline of the game.

Haha I have both games beaten them both I've posted Threads of this before(long time ago) but got no answers about it seemed no-one knew about it >_<

I love the games the gameplay gets a little repetitive but the story is always great, weird, but still great ^_^ I'd love to see more games to come out
I merged these threads together. Shiranui, it seems like you have made a thread about Drakengard a while back. Next time, check threads before you make another. =P It's fine post in old threads.
My friend is crazy about this series. Im 50-50 about trying them. Ive seen them cheap in some game shops, but I dont know. My hearts not 100% into playing them.

one of square enix's better side series i thought drakengard was a pretty good game with the idea of one man and a dragon fighting a war the weapons were well balanced and the story was awesome. anyone have it?
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Battling was repetitive though after a few levels. I've got both, never finished them though. Drakengard 2 was more impressive I think, really good sequel.
I only played it because the gameplay reminded my of Dynasty Warriors.The story was very short,but I liked the challenges later on.
Can anyone tell me where manah is in the maze area? cause i tried and i cant find her i looked everywhere.
Did anyone else find the chaos dragon a little hard the first time around? when i got to it it took me a few tries to beat her but after i did i found the reapers sythe and got it to the max level then went back and it was really easy...
I thought the flying stages were really good it gives you a sort of piloting feel and from what ive been told you can unlock a fighter jet as well but i never found out anything else...
I didn't like the two titles very much, yet I finished both, due to the repetitive game play and intense grinding for weapon exp (if I wanted to do something like that, I could play DW series or Devil May Cry). I felt like some characters in both titles deserved a much more in depth story and I felt some conflicts within the storyline should have never happened.
I've only played the first one, I'll have to search for the second one sometime and play it.
I played the demo of the game and it was fun but i never did buy the game dont knw why though