

Tony Stark
Apr 24, 2007
Stark Tower
What are everyones thoughts on the Draw system of collecting magic and some GF's i like it and wished they had carried it on for some of the other games
Guys, try to post your reasons as if why you think it's "rubbish" or "ok."

For me, personally, I think it was ingenious.You could draw magicks and equip them to your stats, it gave the game a sense of realism, and I think it was fun. I also think that a lot of people who don't like the draw system never really took full advantage of it.
Me personally, I thought it was rather unique. However, the downside to this is I usually don't remember to use Draw on certain enemies.

So it was a good system, but easy to forget about it. >.o
I found it to be somewhat distasteful. Like Shenorai, I'd occasionally forget to do it in battle, and find that I've run out of spells. I decided to set times where I'd go on a mass Draw spree, that way I could at least keep up my healing spells, and those which are currently Junctioned to my stats.

Speaking of, I hated how you had to keep your Drawn magic stock high in order for your stats to actually benefit from junctioning. T'was a pain in the ass... but I guess that's all part of the challenge. Conclusively though, I still don't like the system. Purchasing seems much more 'me,' mainly for the reason I'm utterly lazy.
I was ok with drawing magic from enemies i even found it original but the fact that you lose magic as you use it kind of makes it pretty annoying i believe.

I ended up never casting magic because i did not want to lose it and then draw all over again!:dry:
I though it was good and bad, Why?...

Good: ~Not buying (wasteing) Your Gil on magic :D

Bad: You only have a limted amount of magic to use >_<

But getting GF's from them is cool too :D
I didn't like the draw system because:

1.) It took forever to stock up.
2.) Junction is dependent on drawing.
3.) There's a chance it fails.

I'd rather take my chances buying magic, or learning magic, thanky.
I hated the Draw system cause i'd spend so much time in a battle just to get 100 of a certain magic for all 3 of my characters.
Good Side: You can get magic without buying, magic increases stats when drawn, Use enemy magic against them.

Bad Side: Takes a lot of time, makes you only use certain magic that's not used for junction, Gravier and Ultimecia used Draw aswell.

Flip Side: You can get magic from items, Most of the time, magic is overrated.

My opinion: A'yo, I liked it...:cool:
It was frustrating at times, but it wasn't a bad attempt at trying something innovative. Some spells were nearly impossible to obtain, and at times if you did get them, you only got one!
Let's face it, it never stood a chance against other methods in other FF's e.g. Materia.
I've said this in another thread but I absolutely hated it. Okay, so u didn't have to use up gill to purchase magic but it was so infuriating. It was an absolute pain to draw magic because it went on...and on....and on and sometimes it didn't work and then you had to wait longer. And the fact is, magic in VIII wasn't even that effective so it made the prolongued drawing session seemed even more pointless; so much so that I didn't really draw or junction and just used attack which was so much more effective. I didn't really like the junctioning that much either as well because Curaga was normally the best way to boost your health and you had to have a lot of it so you then had to draw more or try not use it (like with other magic). The system should NEVER come back. Period!!
it would be better if you could learn magic and have to battle gfs like you do with ifrit and diablos
I didn't really liked the draw system because mainly magic wasn't all that effective in the game. Attackin was only worth while when you had 100 of a spell on you attack slot and if you used any of it the attack would decrease. I just relied on GFs the whole game. and Having Curaga on health was a pain because your health would actually decrease as you used it so if you ran out you were just SOL
I liked the draw system. I never liked buying spells or doing some weird thing to obtain a spell. Once I figured out the junction system, it wasn't hard to obtain higher class spells early in the game such as Esuna and Double. For me, keeping up my stats up was easy since I only drew magic to use on enemies and used them to heal my characters, or if they didn't have healing magic, I'd just use potions. Gil is very easy to get since you are payed and potions are not that expensive. All and all, chaps and lasses, I found it very inspiring.
Eh, I'm kinda mixed on it. The fact that it took me a while to learn that I could choose to save where my pointer was ticked me off cause it took over 4 minutes to get 100 damn fire spells for all 3 chars in the party, and I was just to damn lazy to even think about the others, so thank GOD junction exchange! But once I did figure it out, I just put a 3 pound weight on the keyboard and left for about 2-4 minutes to change t o another spell.

Overall, It's kinda useless to even try and use magic, because you LOSE how much you have. I just found it easier to stock up on all the magic I could find, having all 3 of my chars have the same amount of magic at 100, and then casting the bosses/monsters own magic on them. More so, in the Biggs and Wedge fights, so easy I just sat there casting protect on them and healing them after I smashed them in. Good times, good times.

So, I'm iffy on the whole Draw thing. It's useful, but a pain in the arse hole at the same time.