dreams involving final fantasy

Rorolina Frixell

Alchemist of Arland
Apr 27, 2007
in this thread you can discuss any dream you had related to final fantasy

i will start

i had a dream where kefka was telling me to hunt down sephiroth and i do on cids airship from ff7 and when i find him he turns into a ff12 cockatrice which i kill and go back to kefka and he disappears and then the dream ends
I had a weird dream once. I was facinated with CLoud and I was somehow attracted to him,so me, Tifa and Aeris were in a competition to see who would manage to get him first.We tried all sorts of things but nothing was doing, but we saw him go into an alley with a long haired woman, whom was called Sephiroth!! We couldnt belive the fact that Cloud is actually gay!!!!!!:O

haha I was just looking for this topic. what a coincidence, my dream is also about kefka!

"Kefka is imprisoned and was able to escape. Meanwhile there's Terra, Sabin and some people I don't recognize but they're real people. There's also that girl who is a singer on TV. Both her and Terra are pregnant for a reason I don't know.. We were on a camp somewhere and then suddenly Kefka showed up and is threatening us that he'll stab us. We were running away from him and the scary dream ends there."
I had a dream that all the characters where put onto a sitcom called "Last Dream" (parody of Final Fantasy) and a running gag was that Barret would always be refered to as Mr. T. In my dream, it went like this.

(Note: there's about 30 characters here).

Cloud: Hurry Mr. T we need to go.
Barret: Damnit stop calling me Mr. T! I ain't some kind of black stereotype.
Squall: Hmm, which airship should we take?
Cloud: We will take the Highwind.
(Barret destroys the Highwind.)
Barret: I ain't getting on no Higwind, fool!
(5 seconds later.)
Cloud: Fine, we will take the Strahl.

Also, because they refered to him as Mr. T so much. When some kind of villian was after them, they mistakingly go for the real Mr. T and kill him. :D

Now that is one fucked up dream. :huh:
This barely qualifies as a FF dream, but I dreamt my parents were dropping me off on some beautiful, foresty campus somewhere and as I got out of the car I told them to go find a Moogle.
i once dreamed that i was clouds buster sword and i was in pain because cloud was battling sephiroth and i woke up with a headache and it killed
I had a dream where I was in Midgar and I was living in the 7th heaven. Only person i saw was Yuffie who for some reason always ran away from me.
I had a dream again. This time it's Sephiroth chasing me! woo why do I always dream of being pursued by villains!