DS Version out TODAY!

...And i just got a DS ^_^.

I'll have to buy it...Once i finish Crisis Core. I havn't played VI :gasp: I played a little of VIII =/
I've heard that the voice acting isn't a consistent thing though, is that true?
I might get it tomorrow if I get paid enough, I didn't even know about it until now haha
Of Final Fantasy 4

Final fantasy 4 was indeed the first rpg i ever played and beat. I remember it took me years to beat it because i could never beat the last boss. I finally beat it when i was around fourteen or fifteen at like three AM and when i realised id beaten the last oss I yelled Yes! Finally! and was really lucky i didnt wake my parents. The ds remake looks great thus far. I just got it yesterday. For those worried about the characters looking childish, you needent worry. The kids do i.e palom porom and young rydia but not the rest. I had been looking forward to the ds remake ever since i first heard about it online. One thing i will say, the ds version makes the gba and snes versions look easy by comparison. It is a definate challenge. anyway im ranting on and on so ill end my post here. hope there are others out there that love this game as i do.
I just now bought it actually. I haven't played it yet, but I will be soon. The game case looks pretty hot, actually. I'm thinking that the 40 bucks was definitely worth it already.
I'm pretty sure I'll get it at some point, but now is not the time. I've only beaten IX, and am stuck in both X and XII.-_- After I complete one of them I'll probably get VI, and then the remake of IV.
I've heard that the voice acting isn't a consistent thing though, is that true?

Its not... its set up like FMVs... though the graphics don't change, the camera angles are tighter and there is verbal exchange rather than text. Still, its great stuff, nonetheless... the DS remake of FFIII could've benifited greatly from something similar.

I just now bought it actually. I haven't played it yet, but I will be soon. The game case looks pretty hot, actually. I'm thinking that the 40 bucks was definitely worth it already.

The case is purty... the black and silver is just too cool... I like it alot. :D
Final fantasy 4 was indeed the first rpg i ever played and beat. I remember it took me years to beat it because i could never beat the last boss. I finally beat it when i was around fourteen or fifteen at like three AM and when i realised id beaten the last oss I yelled Yes! Finally! and was really lucky i didnt wake my parents. The ds remake looks great thus far. I just got it yesterday. For those worried about the characters looking childish, you needent worry. The kids do i.e palom porom and young rydia but not the rest. I had been looking forward to the ds remake ever since i first heard about it online. One thing i will say, the ds version makes the gba and snes versions look easy by comparison. It is a definate challenge. anyway im ranting on and on so ill end my post here. hope there are others out there that love this game as i do.
Wait... they made it harder?
I didn't think it could get any harder, what with this extra dungeon in GBA version, and the end boss himself..
I've been waiting for it, and now it's here... and I'm broke. Sounds about right. I'll more than likely pick it up this weekend. Cheers!
I was to try the DS version so bad, as this is my favorite FF game. Unfortunantly, I may have to wait a few weeks, after I've paid off some debt and earned some more money. :(

Tell me how you think it is guys!
I want soo bad! Too bad I have no DS! It looks somewhat like FF7 the graphix. BUT I WANT!
i bought mine on tuesday, been playing it ever since. although, i did just get killed and had to restart from quite a far off point, that pisses me off. remember to save often kids!
Yeah, well, not a dungeon as such, I think characters can have these secret trials. FFVI is the one with an extra dragon based dungeon.
I'm getting it imported as soon as my sister puts some money on her PayPal

:wacky:I can't wait :D
Yeah, well, not a dungeon as such, I think characters can have these secret trials. FFVI is the one with an extra dragon based dungeon.

No, there were two new full dungeons. The second one being quite massive. And the boss at the end was Zeromus EG, though the real challenge is of course the dragon, Brachiadoros.:P

The DS version isn't out until Spetmember 26. Which is a shame really. )=
So I've been playing it casually since I've been playing FFVIII again while playing, and plan to finish that before giving this my full attention... that said, last night I got to a point thats bugging me. So here's a question for those who have been playing it alot (or are just farther than I)... what level were your characters on when you fought the bomb boss on the mountain? I ask becasue I keep getting my ass handed to me(second form ALWAYS kills me), and I even went and leveled up a bit.

My levels are currently:
Cecil = 21; Rosa = 18; Rydia = 20; Edward = 18
And Yang is whatever level he defaults at, obviously.

So... yeah... any suggestions? Cause I'm getting pwned here!
So I've been playing it casually since I've been playing FFVIII again while playing, and plan to finish that before giving this my full attention... that said, last night I got to a point thats bugging me. So here's a question for those who have been playing it alot (or are just farther than I)... what level were your characters on when you fought the bomb boss on the mountain? I ask becasue I keep getting my ass handed to me(second form ALWAYS kills me), and I even went and leveled up a bit.

My levels are currently:
Cecil = 21; Rosa = 18; Rydia = 20; Edward = 18
And Yang is whatever level he defaults at, obviously.

So... yeah... any suggestions? Cause I'm getting pwned here!

Do you die when the bomb explodes? If that's when you die, then just have everyone defend. As to the levels...I forget what levels my characters were at when I was there, so I'll say you should just grind a few more levels and you should be good to go. I know I wasn't anywhere above the mid-twenties at that point. Help?
Haven't gotten the game yet, and I'm not sure if I did. I have the fondest of memories of myself as a spastic 7-year old sitting way too close to my TV with my NES controller being clenched in my chubby little fingers, lol...I've been trying to read up to see if/how this version improves on the last one. I actually found a pretty comprehensive article at
which talks about the Augment System and the customizable Command Menu...Overall, I'm gonna assume that as a fan of the original (and especially since I no longer have my NES and haven't played the games in, what, 15-16 years?), this version will be quite awesometastic.