Dude...try this game out!

  • Thread starter BustaMo
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Ok, so we all appparently have played at least one Final Fantasy game, or heard of one I'm hoping. My questioon is:

How did you get introduced to the Final Fantasy series?

For me, I went over to a nieghbor's house about 8-9 years ago when FFVII first came out and I saw on the screen all this magic being casted and junk blowing up. IMO I thought it was rather retarded and not for me. (He was apparently fighting Emerald Weapon at the time)

I gave it a few years before I thought about it again and right before FFX eventually came out, I borrowed FFIX from the same neighbor, started it, and became instantly hooked. I never thought I would have enjoyed it so much. Hence, one of the reasons I consider FFIX one of my top games of all-time.

What about you guys?
My dad used to play FF, he played all the old-school ones and I would sit and watch him for hours. Then when FFVII came out, I watched him play most of it, and was old enough then to start playing it myself. Once I did, I was completely hooked for life.
Back when FF VII first came out I used to go over to my friends house and watch him play it. Thought it was a really good game so eventually got it myself when it went Platinum. I was hooked, and I got more of my friends into it too. Infact the it was one of the only games we really played for a few years untill we all got hold of FF VIII and later IX. Nothing has surpased VII tho imo.
well i didnt get the PS1 till i was 13 and Mum happened to buy FFVII and i havent turned back since. been hooked on FF games since. now i have all from IV to X including DC and X-2 (XII hasnt come out yet)
My friend decided to lend me FFVIII one time, and I managed to get right to the end without any Boosting or proper junctioning. That's pretty much how I got started xD
A friend hooked me on FFVIII and then I rented FFVII from a rental store and played that. I enjoyed them both.
My friend owned a box full of old, unused Playstation games.

I asked if I could rummage through and if I liked any, buy some off him for £2 each.

Amongst the pile was Final Fantasy 7, it looked intersting enough, he had never played it. Found it weird.

So I paid the £2 and got home, only to fall in love with the game and the series there on.
holy crap, you bunch of youngsters.

i started playing FF games from the beginning. FF1 on NES. played that over and over again with a friend of mine.
my cousin came to live with us for awhile and happend to bring his ps and final fantasy 7... i watched him play it and then i played it and loved it. i decided to buy all the others.
Well when I was 11 or so I always used to watch my brother play FFVII.
But I didn't actually get to take a swing at it until I was 14 or so. ^_^
I was 12 when I borrowed FFVII from my cousin and was first introduced to RPG. At first it was confusing but eventually I got the hang of it. After finishing the game, I bought FFVIII, FFIX, FFX, borrowed X-2 and finished it, then bought FFIV, and FFXII, which I'm still currently playing.
Have you guyz heard of the game Ehergeiz. Well my mother brought me that then i read the book and noticed that some of the characters were from FFVII. didn't know what it was and rather curious. 2 weeks later my mother had brought it for me and i've been hooked ever since.
If I actually had my Snes still, and a copy of FFI, I'd LOVE to play all the beginning games!!
If I actually had my Snes still, and a copy of FFI, I'd LOVE to play all the beginning games!!

that's nice, but you gotta have a NES for FF1.

Have you guyz heard of the game Ehergeiz. Well my mother brought me that then i read the book and noticed that some of the characters were from FFVII. didn't know what it was and rather curious. 2 weeks later my mother had brought it for me and i've been hooked ever since.

yeah. i remember that. it was a fighter that square released around the same time. they also released a shooter called Einhander. that was pretty cool.
When i was about 8 my playstation broke, so i hooked up an old NES and started rummsging through some of my freinds games. I found 1-5 inside and played em for a year and a half. Now its one of the few playstation games i still like. I dont think i even gave the games back, ill have to ask about that...
I borrowed Final Fantasy VII for the PC from a friend. I got to Junon before the game crashed and wouldn't work anymore. I didn't pick up FInal Fantasy again until FFX was released. I was at a friend's house and I started playing it with my best friend at the time. I loved it so every couple weeks, he'd spend the night. I'd borrow the game from a friend, steal BustaMo's PS2, and another friend's gamecard and we played through the entire game up til Mount Gagazet. The memory file was deleted. I was pissed. Got a job. Bought a PS2, FFX, and played it til I beat it. Then I played FFVII, FFVIII, and FFIX. When FFXI came out, I was on the first day. Quit 3 months later. Played FFX-2. Attempted Tactics. Quit. Attempted FFI. Quit. Played and beat Tactics. Played FFV. Played FFXII when it came out. Still need to play FFI, FFII, FFIII, and FFIV.