Dude...try this game out!

  • Thread starter BustaMo
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When FFVII came out I watched my dad playing it and thought it looked cool with the magic and summons so a week or so later when me and my cousin were bored we started are own file and been happily playing ever since ^_^
Final Fantasy I for Nintendo....It was a Xmas gift...My old man was one to grab the "hottest games going"...and apparantly a store worker at Toys R Us recommended it to him-seeing as he had no clue the difference.

Thank you Toys R Us guy.
I had some kind of old nintendo toploader, but i lost it when I moved =[

My bf has a NES system, so maybe i can get some old games off e bay. ^_^
When I was little, my brothers had it for the NES. I would watch them play it and sometimes I would turn the game on and walk around the map and fight monsters. I didn't understand the concept of MP back them so when my black mage could no longer cast magic I would think the game was broke and turn it off. Sometimes I would wonder in the wrong area and have all my characters get killed. I pretty much did this with all their games especially with Mario and Zelda.

Then we got an SNES. I remember when I first played IV (Called II back then) and I really liked it. I think I was nine at the time. I had trouble but my brother would help me out with parts of it. I absolutely loved that game. Rydia because my favorite video game character and pretty muc still it. IV was the first RPG that I ever beat. Then a few years later we got VI (called III then) and I really loved that game. I played other games like Chrono Trigger, Ledgend of Zelda: A Link To the Past, Donkey Kong, and other games too.

I remember when I re hooked the NES back up and I went back to play I along with many other NES games that I missed playing. I was super happy when I first beat Mario 3.

And then, more games were released and we just kept getting the newest ones. IV has always been my favorite though.
When I was little, my brothers had it for the NES. I would watch them play it and sometimes I would turn the game on and walk around the map and fight monsters. I didn't understand the concept of MP back them so when my black mage could no longer cast magic I would think the game was broke and turn it off. Sometimes I would wonder in the wrong area and have all my characters get killed. I pretty much did this with all their games especially with Mario and Zelda.

Then we got an SNES. I remember when I first played IV (Called II back then) and I really liked it. I think I was nine at the time. I had trouble but my brother would help me out with parts of it. I absolutely loved that game. Rydia because my favorite video game character and pretty muc still it. IV was the first RPG that I ever beat. Then a few years later we got VI (called III then) and I really loved that game. I played other games like Chrono Trigger, Ledgend of Zelda: A Link To the Past, Donkey Kong, and other games too.

I remember when I re hooked the NES back up and I went back to play I along with many other NES games that I missed playing. I was super happy when I first beat Mario 3.

And then, more games were released and we just kept getting the newest ones. IV has always been my favorite though.

As far as I'm concerned IV is II....

Chrono Trigger is a great game.
Damn right Chrono Trigger is a great game. It's probably my favorite RPG of all time.

That game, FF series (especially II & III for SNES & FFX) and Lunar I & II are games I'll never, ever git rid of. Ever. Heck, I bought Sega CD for Lunar I alone....How angry I was when I found out that it was to be remade later for playstation...Cuz I got nothing else out of that Sega CD. :P
Omg i never saw any advertisements for FF on TV...just FFX ^_^

I remember seeing one for vagrant story too.
when i was grade 5 (10 years old) i went to my friends house and he beaten his dad in blackjack (where his dad betted $50 he wouldnt beat him) and he did with that money he bought FF7 and i watched him play that for a while then i bought it my self.

now ive passed FF7, FF8, FF9, FF10 now im going back to 6 5 4 etc since that FFX-2 is gay.

also u people that say about the old FFs on the nes and snes try a emulator so u can play nes and snes games on pc heres a link to one of my fave emulation sites www.coolrom.com. all you need to do is download the emulator then the roms
Man i feel old!! My first was NES like Sooo long ago i cant remember. I do remember it was like III or IV and it just came out. My friend played it hated it and traded me for one of the mario games. Ever since then i was hooked. I started playing all kinds of RPG's and realized that all RPG's aren't as good as FF. Thats when my respect and gratitude came for FF.
Rhea, yep there were FFVII adverts, if memory serves me there was a longer and shorter version, it was made up of clips of the FMV scenes... including Cloud lowering Aerith into the water... thats the image that really stuck with me.
Well a friend of mine had just bought FF7 and wanted to show it to me. When I saw him play it I became hooked, I went and bought my own copy and played it on my sisters ps1. I've been playing final fantasy games ever since.
My brothers and cousins used to play the original FF on our NES when I was younger, and then they progressed to IV and VI on SNES. Then 5 years ago I started to download emulators and roms and I found FF I-VI on a rom site and from then on I was hooked.
It was back when I saw a couple of TV commercials for FFVIII and then watched a friend play it for a few hours, after that, I bought myself a copy and was hooked ever since.