Playstation Dumb question!


ShinRa Guard
Mar 1, 2008
well i recently got my PS3 for christmas. i got the 60 gb. not bad u know im not complaining....well here goes my question and my pride... now remember it hurts me to ask this but here goes. what exsactly is the hard drive for...i know retarted isnt it but i had to ask because well...i dont know i know a few things such as downloading games n demos but that cant be it
Its the storage device for your console. I dont have a PS3 but I have a 360 and im guessing its the same thing for all consoles. Just for storing memory and downloads and stuff like that.
It does the same thing that a hard drive does with your computer or any other device: It stores all the stuff (demos, saved files, etc, etc...) In general, any file...
oh well thats fairly simple....someone told me before i had it that you can download full games off of a disk is that true or is it just someone over exsagerating

do any of you know what type music and video files it can play??
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oh well thats fairly simple....someone told me before i had it that you can download full games off of a disk is that true or is it just someone over exsagerating

do any of you know what type music and video files it can play??
You can download Warhawk from the PS Store and other 'arcade'-like games as Stardust, Everyday Shooter and so on.

The PS3 can play MP3, Attrac+ and WMA; as well as .mp4 and .divx videos. You can also store songs, and transfer your PS2 save data to the HDD.
You need to get an adapter to transfer data from a PS1 or PS2 memory card to your HDD.
You can also upgrade your hard drive from 60GB to whatever size you want.

For Example: You get a 500GB hard drive and swap it with your 60GB, which is insane and really unnecessary, unless you a hard core gamer like some people I know.
I want to make that, but just to store more music. Sometimes, i like better use the PS3 browser (when my PC doesn't work, or just 'cause i'm lazy to turn it on) and play some music.
I have the 80 GB PS3 system... but let me tell ya... I've never had more than 20 GB on my hard drive at any given time. The games that require you to install data can ahve said data removed without harming your save file, so in reality, theres no point in having anything bigger than a 40 GB, unless you're going to download everything in the PS Store and put movies and music on your system (which I don't see the point of doing since most people have a computer, anyway). But yeah... anyway... Oh look! Pie!
Can you get full games on the Ps store
That's a question, right??

Well, full games as the ones on a Blu-Ray do you mean?? If it's that, then No. You can't buy full games on the store (yet). Except - of course - for Warhawk.

You can buy arcade games, and some (full) PSone games.
does anyone know how to upgrade the ps3's HDD or should i google it?
im just reluctant to as on the forums i know its advice i can trust.
is it safe?
does anyone know how to upgrade the ps3's HDD or should i google it?
im just reluctant to as on the forums i know its advice i can trust.
is it safe?
Well, i haven't upgrade my HDD, but i will do it eventually. However, i found this tutorial while looking some info about the topic.,3800004921,62032875,00.htm

is warhawk worth it?
Well, to me it was. The only reason of why i don't play it anymore is CoD4 and SSBB. :P
oh ic ic so should i download it or should i just buy a game at the store?
Buy the Blu-Ray; the Warhawk (it that's what you're talking about =P) has a "lock" on the digital version; you can only play the game on the accoun which buy it. If a brother or any other person with an account on your PS3 wants to play, he needs to play it on your account.

and that sucks!! Go for the Blu-Ray version :neomon:
This is the only reason that I would have chosen the original Xbox over the PS2 when it came out originally, but I still chose the PS2 for the games it had on it.

The new addition of a harddrive on this generation of Sony consoles is WAAAYYY better because you could easily fill up a PS2 Memory Card with 4 or 5 games if you bought a lot of sports games.

Thank God for HD's.