
Dygan Siguara

Missing the Mods...
Dec 28, 2006
In a little bubble where the bad things can't hurt
Yeah. I got dumped today. My Girlfriend just said that she only saw me as a friend the past couple of weeks. Fair enough. Painful, but...

4:00 today/
On bus home from school. Get a text. Look at text. It says my girlfriend is a lesbian and they (being who??) thought i should know. So of course I send back 'screw you asshole. stop spreading malicious lies'. More texts. Each more one causing more huirt, saying all the time they don't want me to get hurt. Later, I ring Cathy, cause i'm sure it's from her school. Turns out, she only likes me as a friend (we've been going out for five months), and it was someone from school. So basically, everytime I sent "WTF are you on about bitches?" they were right. *sighs* Worst, I know one of the phantom texters, and she was sending therm all. Extra pain. Now they've all sent "I'm really sorry for you," I've sent back "Bitches, if you were sorry, then you would not allow yourself to send such harsh messages to someone you don't know, containing a delicate message wich you have worded so coldly. If Georgie (the one i know from old school) wishes to speak with me again, she should have thought twice about sending such cold
Sorry freind, must of been really harsh man.
Well look at the bright side you got your freinds at home and your freinds on here at FFF!
Wow - what a way to be dumped. Feel for you.

...Cathy should have come and talked to you before telling everyone around her school...

Now you're free again! :P
Sorry man. I haven't had to deal with that yet. Any girl I come close to asking out I have to move away from and I'm not even military.
ouch...that sucks man.
Sorry to hear that.

But I got to agree with Grimoire Valentine, stop calling girls bitches.
Sorry man. I haven't had to deal with that yet. Any girl I come close to asking out I have to move away from and I'm not even military.
Why do I feel so much better??

Just a little hint... stop calling girls bitches. Might help you keep one.
I wouldn't dream of calling Cathy a bitch. Ever. Not even now. It's her 'friends' I hate.
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Even though I think being lesbian is just a sexual fettish...
I still think it was wrong of her to drag your relationship on for so long while keeping her feelings to herself.
that sucks bro, me and one of my ex's might be getting back together ( we said we still like each other and stuff ) but my asshole of a "friend" ( not really anymore ) is trying to date her and is telling her stuff like i make fun of her behind her back and shit so i guess i kinda know how you feel

it sucks
A break-up can be seriously painful, and I'm sure that's what you're going through. Sorry to hear it, buddy. But I'm sure you'll be alright. And staying friends with her wouldn't her either, yes? :)
Sucks with the dumpage, but even more sucky with the method.

Ah well. At least it seems like you're getting over it; if not completely by now. Frustration at the circumstances normally helps people get over it. The worse the situation, the better it is for you in the long run.

That was a bitch of a thing for her to pull on you though.
Well i know how some of u feel cause when i got dumped the first time i was like oh well.Now about 4 or 3 days i was dumped again after i got dumped i was going to suggest suicide but then i was convinced by her and some other friends that suicide was not the anwser so she was right I then found another girl.I guess what i am trying to say just cause someone breaks up with u don't be depressed cause u can always find a better one that might love u more.
I get dumped very often.In the beggining I start crying and then I get mad.But after a few days it's like it never happened and I already have another bf.