During Sex...

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Some of them are, others are quotes, and the last one is what I'm doing right now....without the sex.

Singing Agnus Dei...during sex.
If thats the case, ill do one.

Rip his skull out and beat him to death with it....during sex.
wait, that's impossible *is beat to death with his own skull*

My name is
Leonard Church
and you shall fear my LAZERFACE.....during Sex.
What? Donut dies? i stopped at when they changed to three.

I cant hear you over your constant team killing....during sex.
Yeah, Donut got shot by Freelancer Agent Washington at the end of Recreation: Chapter 19, it was confirmed in Chapter 1 of the newest season of RvB, Revelation.

You should watch Revelation sometime....during sex.
last one for me on this thread, since others would wanna post here, and I know you still have to go to sleep. Besides I still have to work on this fic.

Oh god, I'm burning, that's worse than other things burning....during sex.
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