During Sex...

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Baking pizza dough during sex...

*smoke alarm goes off* "Oh, I forgot about the pizza!" *throws hissy fit while smoke alarm continues to go off, giving the other a headache*
Rock Your Body . . . during sex.

Oh Justin you dog you! :ohoho:

I'll rock your body, babeh.
Move your feet . . . during sex.

Mm, show me what you . . . are . . . workin' with! :sneaky:
Doing stand up comedy...during sex. Difficult...

I work with my hands, and walk with my feet...though some clowns prefer to let their hands to the walkin'. :XD:
Stutter . . . during sex.

Whew, it must be pretty good if the person can't even get a word out.
Whitch doctor.......during sex

i couldnt help but listen to that song after i posted this XD and also that would be very scary to see in te middl of sex :x3:
A Long Walk . . . during sex.

Jill Scott DOES set the right mood. Mm, mm, mm. But yeah, shit's physically impossible. :( Owellz.
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