Each Final Fantasy its own Franchise?

Franchises: Good or Bad?

  • Good

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Bad

    Votes: 10 83.3%

  • Total voters


Aug 26, 2007
I guess I should make this a poll. Figures, my first thread ever in this place is a poll...

Anyway, I think we've all noticed a shift in Square's thought process regarding the series, haven't we? They used to take the stance of no game spawns a sequal, yet now we have X-2, a handful of upcoming XII sequals, and about a gajillion VII spawns (all about a decade too late, mind you). And they've already announced that there will be multiple games in the XIII saga.

The question is: Is this a good thing?

Feel free to cast your vote, and to add your thoughts, as well. I will go right ahead and post my own thoughts on the matter, but will refrain from casting a vote; this is up to you guys, not me. Anyway, here we go:

I was one of the throngs of people begging Square for a sequal to FFVII. I admit it, I was that guy; who bought VIII only to shelve it for a year in protest of the pussy-ass protagonist that was SO not as tough as Cloud. Are we clear? I was a VII FANATIC.

Now that we have that little bit of business out of the way...

When X rolled around, and I played it through, I found it to be the most enthralling story since VII (still do, even after playing XII). I had no expectations of a sequal--matter of fact, I thought the ending was brilliant, even if poorly-acted. When X-2 came around, I was pumped! But then I played it. Then I got queesy. Then I set the controller down. Then I walked around for a bit; then I picked the controller back up again. Then I threw up in my mouth.

X-2 was a hunk of crap. It was Charlie's Angels for the horny fanboy. Not only was it missing one of the best aspects of X (the fighting system) but it was missing the STORY! Ugh! I couldn't shake the feeling that this game didn't belong in public. I felt like I was watching the sequal to Mask: The Rocky Dennis Story. I mean, the kid's dead, Cher! Give up already!

And I don't care if I'm being stubborn, ADVENT CHILDREN SUCKED! It didn't forward the story, and it just confused things further. Way to take a great story and turn it into a Japanese B-Movie.

It's all about money. Whoever is in charge at Square Enix has decided that they must capitalize on everything that happened 10 years ago (Vince McMahon runs Square Enix?) and churn out as many ho-hum sequals as their little fingers can manage. They wasted an entire game on an OPTIONAL CHARACTER (Vincent), and it was a shooter! WHAT?!

And I hear that Reverent Wings is going to be on the PSP?

And now, with the whole Novus Crystalis (er...whatever) saga, Square is making just about every sequal a PSP-exclusive. I'm sorry, but if you're going to give me a sequal, but it on the console, not on the handheld. I'm not buying a $300 handheld system, when I have a perfectly good floor model.

So my answer is NO, the franchising of every Final Fantasy game is not a good thing. I think stories like these are meant to be told in one shot, and left alone after that. I think X-2 ruined X, and Advent Children took a hot dump all over the memory of VII. And I just think they could be using those creative resources to make NEW Final Fantasy games, rather than sequaling old ones to death.

Because obviously Square wasted NONE of their precious creative juices on Final Fantasy XII...
You'll be almost 23 in 10 years? Holy shizzle. I'll be almost 37 in ten years!

Anyway, you're absolutely right. VII has been beaten to death, all while not spawing a direct sequal on a console. How f'd up is that? If they had said, OK, here's a sequal, and it's for the PS2, I would have been OK with it. But a movie? And six friggin games for handheld? Ugh!
The games were better when it wasn't spread out. Having too many projects going at one time just makes it easier to have inconsistencies and plotholes - as if Final Fantasy doesn't have enough of those. One awesome game is assuredly preferable to a slew of mediocre to bad products, especially since crappy products cost as much as good ones when they're new.
I think it's better when the game industries work with a one-track mind. I have to admit, there are a few good spin-off ideas from time to time, but...in the end, most of them have repetitively fallen through. I'm worried that the upcoming FFXIII title is going to be a let down on account of all these sequels and spinnoffs!

They should have left it alone with Ehrgeiz!
I think they actually have the right idea with Dissida. That's as far as a spinnoff should go!
Franchises are very bad.

1. Anything with the word "Final" in the title should be left alone.

2. SE doesn't care about the fan's experience anymore, just money.

3. The VII spinoffs are awful, they should just REMAKE the damn game already.

4. Spinoffs are a lame excuse to be lazy in development, that way if the game seems unfinished the company can just say "oh, we're leaving it open for the sequel."

I've thought to myself on occasion that I would love to see a sequel to IX, but I have to think "what would they even do for a sequel?" The game came to a perfect conclusion, they would only be ruining it if they made a sequel, which is exactly what they did to X.

Also, I read some very disturbing news in the latest issue of EGM today. It seems that SE is planning to spawn a bunch of prequels to KH, so now it's going to be whored out as badly as VII is.
3. The VII spinoffs are awful, they should just REMAKE the damn game already.

Actually that scares me more than spin-offs. It'll give them a chance to "revise" (i.e. butcher) the original plot of FFVII in order to somehow have the Compilation make sense. They changed enough stuff in Last Order, and that portrayed only about 15 min of gameplay.

I've thought to myself on occasion that I would love to see a sequel to IX, but I have to think "what would they even do for a sequel?" The game came to a perfect conclusion, they would only be ruining it if they made a sequel, which is exactly what they did to X.

Actually, I don't think X got ruined by the sequel. X-2 is just fun - it's just kind of a skippy little thing not meant to be taken too seriously. And thus, if you don't expect it to be the same as X, it's a pretty good game.

Here's what I feel about the news on KH: "Shit." I really should've expected this (the original game was already a gimmick), but boo. That sucks.
Actually that scares me more than spin-offs. It'll give them a chance to "revise" (i.e. butcher) the original plot of FFVII in order to somehow have the Compilation make sense. They changed enough stuff in Last Order, and that portrayed only about 15 min of gameplay.

Good point. I suppose it would be good if the original team were to do the remake, but we know that would ever happen. Nomura would just turn it into an action game with anime cliches galore.

Actually, I don't think X got ruined by the sequel. X-2 is just fun - it's just kind of a skippy little thing not meant to be taken too seriously. And thus, if you don't expect it to be the same as X, it's a pretty good game.
Exactly, that's what ruined it for me. X was such a somber game and then along comes X-2, throwing all that out the window and replacing it with silly fashion shows (i.e. the dress spheres), lots of Brother (seriously, is there anyone out there who actually likes that idiot?) and a sudoku minigame. If I want a silly game to laugh at, I'll play WarioWare or Dragon Quest.

Here's what I feel about the news on KH: "Shit." I really should've expected this (the original game was already a gimmick), but boo. That sucks.
KH1 was a good game, it was damn fun to play and much to my surprise, actually incorporated all the Disney worlds (except the little mermaid world) in a non-gay way. KH2 was also damn fun, but had way too much of Nomura's generic anime crap in it, he also ruined Vivi and Setzer and the game just lacked the charm of the first game. I can't speak for CoM since I haven't played it, but I don't like the idea of cards. And of course, the trailer for KH3 looks like it's possibly a prequel anyway, so I don't know why they need more prequels.
3. The VII spinoffs are awful, they should just REMAKE the damn game already.

Im pretty scared that square'll ruin it if they do a remake. There is a strong risk that they'll change so much when all that should be changed is the graphics.

I dont like FFXII, i think the battle system is too much of a change. I'm kinda glad they're ruining a game that really i feel is already ruined.

As for FFX-2, i like the fact that you could change classes, kinda like the old games. They could've been more characters (whom should have been male).

I'm not looking forward to FFXIII, it looks way to different. Whatever happened to the quaint "ye olde" theme (medievel, was it?). And the fact that its gonna go on and on for ten years, I cant help but think "My god, i'll be an adult who'll have a proper job, possibly a serious relationship, when this b*stard series finishes".

It feels like SE are gonna have to pull something good out of their ass if they want to keep me as an FF Fan...
The more Final Fantasy's the better as long as they dont make them like X2. I'd like to see more FF games like Tactics.
I watched the interviews with the directors and developers of FFXII...and man, I don't know if it's a cultural thing ro what, but those guys sounded more disappointed with the product than anything!

The main director said the fighting should have been been more streamlined, and sounded almost embarassed about the gambit system. It wasn't that he didn't like it, but he didn't like that they had to impliment limitations to it, to prevent god-modding.

Anyway, I agree with you guys, and on a lot of points.

I'll also jump on the bandwagon and say that they shouldn't remake VII. I'm positive I'd hate what they turn it into. It would be stunning on a PS3, but I'm going to say that the gamplay would suffer, and the storyline would be changed dramatically--most likely to include/foreshadow events from that hunk of shit called Advent Children.

If they are going to do anything with Final Fantasy VII, either give me console-based prequals or sequals. I'm talking about Crisis Core on the PS2 or 3, and not on the PSP. I'd also stop dedicating entire games to optional characters like Vincent. As a big fan, I can tell you that not all of us liked Vincent. Not all of us even aquired him on our first (and most memorable) trip through the game.

And if they want to make a sequal, they should have made Advent Children an f'n video game. I don't know what on earth made them turn it into a movie, but the movie sucked ass. Bahamut was beaten too easily, I didn't like the all the other clones running around, and I absolutely HATED the gunblades showing up when there were none in the game. So they can't even do a direct sequal now, because it would have to be a sequal to the MOVIE, not to the game.

Ugh. I say leave it alone.
Lol. :P

From the day that they made FFI,they should've just stuck to the main series.If they did,today there would be FFI,FFII,FFIII,FFIV,FFV,FFVI,FFVII,FFVIII,FFIX,FFX,FFXI,FFXII,and FFXIII.And who knows? FFVersusXIII could've been FFXIV.I don't like how there's other FF titles that aren't in the main series and how they made FFXI an online game.They should really just stick to console gaming on 1-2 consoles.

I agree and disagree with that. I like the Tactics series, strategy RPGs are damn fun. And other things are fine too, but I preferred it when they were kept completely separate from the FF series. It's fine if they want to keep the Tactics series connected, that makes sense, but when they start intertwining it with the main series things get messy. Same goes for all these godawful "sequels" and spinoffs.

Also...they should really keep the turn-based battle system because that's one of the things that make Final Fantasy,Final Fantasy.I think they should come up with a new turn-based style-like battle system for each new FF title that comes out like how they did with FFXIII.It's going to be different from the other FF battle systems,but it's still going to be turn-based.

Agreed. I don't want these here newfangled action-RPG games, I want my old fashioned turn-based battles like we had in the good ol' days. Although...didn't Nomura say somewhere he wants XIII to play exactly like you saw battles in Advent Children? Cuz that sure won't work with a turn-based system.

Oh,yea...in my opinion,mixing up the FF characters with the KH characters just made things even more complicated.No one has to agree with me,but I really just wanted to share my thoughts. ^_^

Nomura ruined Setzer and Vivi, 'nuff said.
The thing is I would be all for it if they actually made worthwhile sequels and spinoffs. However the quality of the ones we have is bad. Actually they shouldn't have done anything with FF7. Not a movie, nothing. Just a remake, with much improved dialogue to make the story a bit more coherent (and of course, the improved graphics). All this sequels and spinoffs just further confuse the plot of the original or just don't add to it (like X-2).
Nomura ruined Setzer and Vivi, 'nuff said.

He changed Vivi's character design aswell?!

Must ... not ... kill ... >_<

I don't think whoring every game is something they should do. It began with VII, moved to X, and now it's XIII ... I see a pattern here. Every three FFs they whore it out.

So, let's avoid FFXVI all together :D
He changed Vivi's character design aswell?!

Must ... not ... kill ... >_<

Only his hat, he turned into some possessed hat with a mouth, looked like something that belonged in Nightmare Before Christmas. I don't know why he felt he had to do that.

SE can keep the Tactics series, it's a good series, they should just not intermingle it with the main series. I don't think XI should have been in the main series either. As for these shite spinoffs like X-2, the innumerable VII spinoffs, Revenant Wings, and the upcoming bajillion XIII games...what pisses me off the most about them isn't that SE is making them....

...nay, what pisses me off most about all these crap spin-offs and such is that are so many frigging IDIOTS out there who actually buy them! If people didn't eat up the damn spin-offs then SE would stop making them! We complain about SE whoring out their stuff, well that's because there are enough stupid fanboys out there who buy the shite to make SE think "hey, this is an easy way to make money." To put it simply, it's not SE's fault, it's the consumers. Yes, X-2 was their own doing. But if people hadn't freaked out about that then SE would have likely stopped the spin-offs there and given up on the idea. If idiots didn't buy AC like it was the freaking key into heaven then SE would have stopped with the VII bastardizations.
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I say franchasises are a very bad thing. Especially a franchise for a game that is already a franchise. Does anyone realize just how stupid the title Final Fantasy X2 sounds? It's like Final Fantasy 10 1/2. Each of the games are good enough stories on their own.

Look what Advent Children did to the end of FFVII. It was supposed to be very ambigious. Now it's cannon that humanity survived. And personally, I always like the idea that humanity returned to the life stream. Advent Children was a pretty crappy sequel anyways.

Many of the VII sequels have really made me not love the game as much as I used to.

Now we have people asking for sequels to VIII and IX when they were both ended perfectly. Actually all the games in the main series had good enough endings.

And I also say no to a VII remake. The thing that I am most worried about is the voice acting. So many scenes could just be incredibly cheesy if they were voiced. Cait Sith's death, Aerith's death, the Golden Saucer Date, Tifa in Mideel. Infact I think the characters would be much less likalbe if they were voice through out the game. And I'm also afraid of the ridiculous changes they would make. Sephiroth would be made into something much more than he originally was and he'd probably be in the game much more. Zack would play a bigger part. We would see Aerith's ghost througout the second half of the game. Possibly a conversation with Cloud and Aerith's ghost and her death would be completely down graded because of all her spiritual appearences. Oh and they'd probably fit Denzel in there somewhere. We would see Rufus do some super cool martial arts move to explain how he survived Shinra blowing up. Tifa would be doing ridiculous Kung Fu movie martial arts. The turks will be in the game so much that they'll practically be playable characters. Red will probably get no dialogue judging from how little he spoke in AC. Ugh the list goes on and on.

Besides, if you enjoyed the game the first time around, why do you need a remake? Are you not going to enjoy VII ever again because on it's a PS1 game?


Yes, no to sequeling any of the Final Fantasy games.

Oh I also heard a few years rumers of a third sequel to X. And people on IMDB actually though it was a good idea! *facepalms*
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I say franchasises are a very bad thing. Especially a franchise for a game that is already a franchise. Does anyone realize just how stupid the title Final Fantasy X2 sounds? It's like Final Fantasy 10 1/2. Each of the games are good enough stories on their own.

Well, to say it correctly it would be "ten two", which is completely stupid.

Look what Advent Children did to the end of FFVII. It was supposed to be very ambigious. Now it's cannon that humanity survived. And personally, I always like the idea that humanity returned to the life stream. Advent Children was a pretty crappy sequel anyways.

Same here. I much prefer the idea of humanity being wiped out. It's actually an original idea.

Now we have people asking for sequels to VIII and IX when they were both ended perfectly. Actually all the games in the main series had good enough endings.

No NO NO! >_< I swear to god if they make a sequel to IX I'll die inside. Why do they feel the need to continue stories that ENDED perfectly.

And I also say no to a VII remake. The thing that I am most worried about is the voice acting. So many scenes could just be incredibly cheesy if they were voiced. Cait Sith's death, Aerith's death, the Golden Saucer Date, Tifa in Mideel. Infact I think the characters would be much less likalbe if they were voice through out the game. And I'm also afraid of the ridiculous changes they would make. Sephiroth would be made into something much more than he originally was and he'd probably be in the game much more. Zack would play a bigger part. We would see Aerith's ghost througout the second half of the game. Possibly a conversation with Cloud and Aerith's ghost and her death would be completely down graded because of all her spiritual appearences. Oh and they'd probably fit Denzel in there somewhere. We would see Rufus do some super cool martial arts move to explain how he survived Shinra blowing up. Tifa would be doing ridiculous Kung Fu movie martial arts. The turks will be in the game so much that they'll practically be playable characters. Red will probably get no dialogue judging from how little he spoke in AC. Ugh the list goes on and on.

You forgot to mention how BAD the voice acting would be. Vincent would likely have Auron's VA again and Cait Sith would have that horrid Scottish accent. Nomura would completely gut the game and rebuild it from the ground up into a travesty.

Oh I also heard a few years rumers of a third sequel to X. And people on IMDB actually though it was a good idea! *facepalms*

I've heard that in a few places. Actually, I read somewhere there were initially supposed to be two sequels at the same time, one focusing on Yuna (which is X-2) and one focusing on Rikku (which, if ever made, I guess would be X-3).
I've heard that in a few places. Actually, I read somewhere there were initially supposed to be two sequels at the same time, one focusing on Yuna (which is X-2) and one focusing on Rikku (which, if ever made, I guess would be X-3).

Why would anyone in their right mind give that annoying skank her own game? >_<

Gah, Nomura, leave IX characters the f*ck alone ¬_¬

I wouldn't mind seeing sequels if they're coherent, follows the lore, isn't so far fetched, and continues/adds to the plot and character development. If not, like X-2, then those ideas should just be burned.

But if Nomura gets his hands on it ... it's doomed to phail.

A single sequel MIGHT work. FFX-2 could have been a very good game. But ... it wasn't. An entire series based off of a single game? Hell. No.
I’d be all for it they’d put the same effort and quality into the sequel and spin-offs as they do the originals, which we all know that their track record in this area is well know among us fans as less than satisfactory. Sadly enough and as it’s already been said, Square-Enix seems to care less about the fans experience and more about profit only.
I think SE needs to take a lesson from Nintendo in this regard:

We all know Nintendo whores out Mario like nothing else, from racing games to soccer to tennis to popping pills. However, Nintendo always puts effort into these games and they're usually all quality games regardless of the whorism.

If SE would bother to make its spinoffs and sequels quality games and consistent with canon then I wouldn't mind half as much.