Early thoughts/impressions?

I believe people are too focused on the fact that it has the "Final Fantasy" tag on it. Sure, it's a novel experience from previous FF titles, and while some people will feel it pales in comparison to the classics, others will enjoy the breath of fresh air FXIII offers us, and I suppose many of us will fit into the latter category. You have to remember that FXIII is an entirely new game and the first to come out on the next-gen consoles. They also tried to appeal to a larger audience, shown by the fact it not a PS3-exclusive, so there are a few necessary tweaks that had to be made.

It's a great JRPG in its own right, and if you don't like it, you don't like it. However, instead of hating on it without a base, why don't you share what issues you had with it? This is, after all a "first impressions" thread.
The PS3 version of the game

If you have a ps3 why would you get the Xbox 360 version when it's commonly known the ps3 version's visuals are slightly better? What I mean is that's to be expected with all games supplied to both consoles. I like the 360 more anyway but that's not on topic.
If you have a ps3 why would you get the Xbox 360 version when it's commonly known the ps3 version's visuals are slightly better? What I mean is that's to be expected with all games supplied to both consoles. I like the 360 more anyway but that's not on topic.

maybe so you can get the trophies AND the Gamerscore? its the only reason i can think of getting both..

anyway, my first impressions were average in the first chapter as all the battles you have don't seem necessary seeing as you dont get anything for them (like CP, for example) but my opinion changed about halfway through chapter 3 and then i fell in love with the game and that hasn't changed. i'm up to chapter 9 now and its just getting better every chapter. my favourite characters are lightning, Hope, Snow and Sazh. i really cant wait until i start the side quests :D
1. @ those who were confused about the l'Cie, fal'Cie, etc., there's a reason that they notify you when your datalog (or whatever it's called) is updated. It's basically an encyclopaedia for FFXIII.
I thought most people would have figured it out from the very beginning when Sazh says to Lightning
"What's your angle?" - evidently from the first time you meet a character they have different "angles" for doing what they do, I doubt there was even meant to be a main antagonist from the beginning and won't be one until a good portion of the game is played.

4. VANILLE IS SO EFFING ANNOYING, GOD. I don't know how you guys can tolerate her obviously forced cheeriness and overly bubbly attitude, as well as those frequent squeaks she makes that make it sound like she's playing with herself.
I like you :ryan: She's annoyed me ever since I saw a short clip on 1UP, playing the game hasn't changed that either. Especially in the first few chapters she holds
back far too much from his emotions. Then she makes light of something that shouldn't be made light of.
I can't understand why people find the story confusing... I had MUCH harder time figuring out what was really going on in XII. Too much politic crap it drove me nuts!.

Anyhow, people say that the game gets better 20hous in. And I think thats true.
I'm 8-ish? hours in. I had very mixed feelings at first, but I'm starting to quite like the battle system. I didn't really get what was going on plot-wise for a while, but I think I'm up to speed now.

Thus far, my favorite character is Sazh, but I think I'll quite like Fang when she joins your party. She seems to be what passes for this game's dark, mysterious character, and I do like pole arms. Vanille is... odd. She was quite jarring at first. I think... I think she's a deconstruction of that type? I mean the genki girl type like Selphie, Rikku, etc. If that's how it's supposed to be, that's interesting, if not, she has problems in her brain.

I've already seen a lot of the scenes from the trailers. I was a little surprised to see a lot of what I figured where pivotal scenes in the first couple of hours. That's a good thing, though, it means the plot will be going to places I don't expect.

And that's all I have to say about that, for now. Odin keeps killing me, but I suppose that tradition had to be upheld.

Oh! And I haven't heard the fanfare yet! Will I ever? Not that I'll say the game sucks if a couple of FF traditions are missing, I'll just pout a little.
I am only about 2 hours into the game. The story is boring me a bit so for but I am sure it will pick up soon enough. The graphics in HD look so awesome and that makes the cutscenes interesting enough to watch. The gameplay seems to be really fun as well that so far it and the graphics make up for the lack of a story at the moment. Also the main battle theme of this game is really good as well. I can't wait to be able to put it on my mp3 player. But overall I am liking the game thus far.
About 15 hours in now and the story is slowly unfolding and the characters backgrounds are slowly unfolding as well.

The game is still, well, linear. Its just a continued pace of the same old same old with the story slowly unfolding. It's a little annoying, but it's not too bad. I'm enjoying the game, and I am starting to understand and/or getting an idea for what might Final Fantasy Versus XIII will hold and be like.

And people, use the datalog, it tells you everything, and if you are confused about anything, read about it in there. Its tells you what your looking for and then some.
In general I'm going to say FFXIII is very different from the last FF games. But you know what? That doesn't make this a bad game at all.

It really pisses me off when people bash FFXIII when they don't even try playing because they read it's different from the last FF games they played. No FF game is the same, and while FFXIII does take a very new approach to the battle system and environment, the game itself really is a lot of fun. So stop trying to compare it to prior FF games and just enjoy it as is.

Another thing - a lot of people seem to be looking forward to Versus for being a dark FF game, but I can tell you FFXIII is not, as Sazh wold say, "sugar and rainbows". It is really thick with heavy emotion (and no, I'm not talking about Snow and his feelings for Serah). There's established prejudice and fear against the l'Ciel and you feel tension among the characters as they struggle with their fates and personal problems that seem to arise.

And finally, and I think everyone agress with me here - it's so purty :3
I just started playing the game today and just got through the introduciton and am in that Blue crystal place. The intro was a little slow and confusing with all the lingo, but I was kept engaged because I did like the characters and was interested in them. I also loved how the one guy kept that little chocobo in his hair. XD it's nice to see a character that is a little bizaar back in the games.

Now that I can give the characters abilities and the story has really gotten started, I am enjoying the game much more. I am still getting used to the battle system but I do like it. I really like the character Lightning, and we finally have a real badass female chick :D

I am a little disappointed that the final fantasy victory music doesn't play at the end of battles. Unless they do this later in the game or at boss fights?
I love the game so far: it's so badass. The first couple chapters are so hard to follow though and I find it tedious for the game to interrupt itself with the multiple flashbacks, even though the way they're revealed were done in an interesting way.

Battle system is actually quite awesome. I wasn't sure about what to expect from it since it was a seemingly new system but it's flowing really well for me right now and I love how easy it is to do battle.
I'm really enjoying the game so far.

My favourite characters at the moment would have to be Vanille and Hope. They're so cute together. >.<

He kinda reminds me of a mini Tidus...just a little more serious.

Some scenes have already got me all emotional and it's only just started. >.<
He's like a younger Vaan with the personality of a shy Tidus. :/

I like him.

There is no character I dislike bar Snow.


On a side note -- Lightning has beautiful arms. o_O Like really. They're gorgeous.
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Well I got in in the mail yesterday but actually checked it today x] I think i'm on chapter 4 right now... about 4ish hours in. I'd love to play some more but... i think i'll give it a rest xD

At first I was confused but, i think I got it down x]
I think Snow is a really sweet guy and I hate it when Lightning dogs on him >.< Idunno why, but I don't think imma like Lightning as much as the other characters.

Sazh is probably the funniest out of the group which I like xD Need some funnies is games to liven it up a bit.

Hope and Vanille are both cute =] Vanille is a great character but the only thing that bothers me is her voice haha xD
Hope seems very vulnerable and confused. Vanille really tries to cheer him up which is cute :) Though, he's annoying to me sometimes. Maybe i'll like him the more further i get.

I also get the main storyline about how their
and how their trying to save their hometown and whatnot. The only thing that bugs me is that I hate how everything revolves around Serah. She seems like a cool character but idk.

I also like the jobs and whatnot. Took sometime to get use to but its really awesome! And my characters have different abilites and whatnot.

So far i'm really enjoying the game! =]
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Just got onto disc 2 today, so far the graphics, visuals and battle system have me impressed, didnt think id like the Battle system but its actually pretty awesome, graphics are GORGEOUS.....

HOWEVER the Linear gameplay has me absolutley terrified! It is quite literally a straight line, the path does deviate and split every so often but 9 times out of 10 its for the sole purpose of a treasure sphere, and the other 1 time it rejoins the primary path (or 'Tube' as i have ruefully dubbed it) after about 3 seconds. I am quite literally praying to Bahamut that later this problem elevates itself and i can explore / do some bloody side quests!

Character wise I love Sazh, and Vanille is pretty cool, Lightning's lone ranger act does my head in, as does Hope, the rest are all right in my opinion

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let my see some changes in disc 2!
So far I am really loving the game. The battle system is what the battle system for FF12 should have been. The story is very interesting, I am annoyed about the set parties until later in the game,but other than that it is great. I am disappointed with the music it in no way shape or form matches up to any of the previous title's music score.

I like most of the characters, mostly Snow, Fang, and Sazh, Lighting is awesome, but she seems to me to be more of a female Cloud/Squall mix. Vanille is a bit jumpy, but nice to have someone that is willing to smile through everything for everyone, and I absolutely despise Hope. He is so annoying from the minute he starts whining and complaining about everything I disliked him.

I really don't like playing as some whiny jumpy kid, but as soon as I get to make my own party he is on the bench for good. I am currently on chapter 9 and so far I'd give the game a 8/10. The music and Hope kill the last 2 points for me
I am really enjoying it so far. I love the story. The battle system is also fun, but I'm still struggling to get used to the fact that time never stops. In all previous FFs, you could stop time and think about your strategy, but now you can't (unless you pause, but then you can't peruse the menus). Nevertheless, it's great that the system is still so strategic despite being so fast-paced.

One thing I'm disappointed with is the 'invisible barrier' effect, where you can't go right up to the walls or into the corners of the environment - that's pretty much unforgivable, but I don't think it spoils everything else. The linearity that so many people have complained about... I think it's probably less linear than X. There are actually some big spaces to run around in even in the beginning parts of the game, and there are quite a lot of branching points. So overall I'm really happy with it.