Easiest /Hardest Esper

I found the easiest esper was chaos. Despite the fact that you couldn't attack i just mainly used gil toss or knots of rust. Belias of course was easy as well being the first esper.
The easiest fight against the Espers hmm well story related espers i would choose mateus and optional probably by Chaos
Story: Belias he was the first esper so it kinda expected
Optional: Probably Exodus - Jugde Sal -_-

Story: Hasmal
Optional: probably Zodiark D:
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my thread was closed :( i wanted to know which optional esper gave you the most trouble obtaining??

i had a hard time with Cuchulain because of that whole reverse thing he had going on... took me FOREVER to beat him.

the easiest was belias, of course
belias was the easiest for me.maybe because my party at that time was waaay too overleveled.
As for the hardest one, it could probably be chuchulain(sp?)
Cuchulainn wasn't that hard for me. Easiest for me was Shemhazii. Hardest? Zodiark. If only Phoenix Down worked on Abysteels... Anyway, I found that Excalibur, Holy Lance, and Black Masks eased the battle for me. I took him down in 20 seconds. 20 hell-packed seconds.