easy gil

another place that i discovered last night was the place where you fight zeromus. blood drakend bones are worth alot and you can get a like a 50 chain before you have to go 2 screens away
i might be i little thick but where are the monograph things ur on about i dont have the guide so can some one help me
another place that i discovered last night was the place where you fight zeromus. blood drakend bones are worth alot and you can get a like a 50 chain before you have to go 2 screens away

That's been mentioned twice already.

i might be i little thick but where are the monograph things ur on about i dont have the guide so can some one help me

You can buy them from the bazaar. They're called Forgotten Grimoires.

A good place to level and get loot is in the Nabreus Deadlands. Take the secret path to Overlooking Eternity (where you fight the Roblon mark) and Dead Bones spawn all over the place. They spawn on the path and there are two spawn areas at the top of the cliff.
Go to Throne Of veiled Gods Where you fight Zeromus, Dark Lords Drop Blood darkened bones in there and theyre the only monsters you fight in there, chain em and expect to get a good 400k!
i got my 50 chain on the bridge at the luhsu mines...the zombies are easy and once u get a chain goin the stuff gets good...and its a good way to get LP and EXP...
if yoy keep going past the bridge there is even more skeletons and you can kill as many of them as you like. i chained 187 last time
Little thing for those not far enough into the game to do teh Zeromus room zombie trick.

At the west side of Nam-Yensa Sandsea theres a merchant and a wayward Chocobo, along with a Gold Save Crystal... If you go North you end up in Ogir -Yensa Sandsea I believe and you'll find Alraune running about the place for the entire of this screen. There's about ten of them.
Kill them all and go through to the next screen and at the dead end [look at map if needs be] you'll find two more. DO NOT go down but go wait by the way back onto the previous screen. After about 3 minutes, reenter the screen [it may be sooner but I watched a Video on YouTube between each time of doing this]. The Alraune will have respawned. Fight your way back towards the screen with the merchant and chocobo. DO NOT touch the save crystal because it will break your chain. Wait, rinse and repeat. Do this for as long as you want.

I built up a chain of 318.

As fer loot, they drop Succulent Fruits and the higher the chain, the more you seem to get. These sell for just under 400 gil. You also have a chance to steal Maces from them which sell for 900.

Talking to the Merchant won't break your chain so when you have many, sell them and carry on

Not the best place if you have the chance to kill Zombies in Stilshrine admittedly but a good place if nearer the start of the game.

[Hope that helped... o_O]
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I'd recomend the Yensa (I think thats what they're called) sandsea place. The cactus things there drop (something) fruit which if you get enough of you can make a fair bit of gil selling. Not completely sure if its the right place....
Yeah, going to the Sandsea and fighting the same creature over and over to get chains helps you tremendously. I remember getting like, a 112 chain once, then I had to go to choir practice. :afromad:

Another good way is mark hunting, obviously. :P
Also there is a side quest at Bhuburja of selling beer to people - you can get up to 14000 for selling them to people for 1000 per bottle,

but if you sell them as loot you only get 250 per bottle
Felwood, chaining Mirrorknights was the best place I found...
All you did was kill the thirteen (or so) in the southernmost area, then run away, not fight in any monsters in the other two areas, then come back, kill thirteen mirrorknights; lather rinse and repeat.
They dropped Mirror Armour, which sold for like 3000 Gil a pop, then some other loot, one was common and sold for maybe 500 Gil, whereas the other (rare) one sold for 6000 Gil...
Quite a useful place, I had a chain of 830 at one point.
Then i killed a Mu...
not so good