Elfen Lied


Chocobo Breeder
Mar 16, 2007
Long Island, NY
Elfen lied

Has anyone seen this anime? It was probably the best I have ever seen. It had everything.. Love, violence, lots of funny parts.. discuss if you've seen it.
I loved it. Watched it in 2 days, but my ex lost it :,( JERK!
I blew me away cause it looked so sweet and innocent, then all the limbs start getting pulled off and heads blowing up and what not.

Classic anime entertainment, Lucy was the best ^^ But Ive been told there was a mystery episode, like an extra one. I dont think I got that one.
I really liked the first 6 episodes. The rest let me down. I dunno why, just didn't have the same effect the first 6 did. After those it just started to remind me to much of Chobits with gore added.

I liked Chobits, but that's not why I started watching Elfen Lied.
I haven't seen it yet, but it's been reccomended to me, and I've seen some random clips of it, and it looks really cool.
sweet and innocent????
The first episode came as a complete shock to me in how graphic it was. However, it made the switching from happy innocent girl to monster more "there". I really did enjoy it, but it's not kids stuff
sweet and innocent????
The first episode came as a complete shock to me in how graphic it was. However, it made the switching from happy innocent girl to monster more "there". I really did enjoy it, but it's not kids stuff

Thats what I mean. I had seen screenshots of it, not the graphic ones though. So to me it seemed all sweet and innocent. Then I watched it and was like lol.
Anyone ever seen it?

I watched it for the first time the other night, I don't even know if I've spelt the name of it right :monster:

I didn't go much on it, it all seemed a bit rushed to me, the story raced on and left me scratching my head a few times. Are there any big fans here?
Elfen Lied

Anyways, I kind of loved this series. It covered a lot of ground in what it did. It was so graphic and brutal in the first episode leaving you going "WTF?!"

Then later its all like, little cute defenseless girl.

I found it enjoyable to watch, though I will say its definitely not for kids.
Ugh, I hate it when that happens...

Is it just me or does the nudity in this anime make you feel...uncomfortable?
haha, it made me uncomfortable when my little sibs were in the room. Otherwise, its just drawings so meh.

it was more disturbing that she was exploding guys while nude
yeah.. this is a good series.. short, but good.
the graphics are good, as well as the characters and story.

I reccomended this series.
only loved the love relationships haha :)
not for kiddos because of the nude things in there haha
not only the nude thing. but a beheading isnt the best thing to any kid to see ^^
I really liked this series. I ended up watching the whole series yesterday. and the nudity didn't affect me that much. It was the violence that effected me, which is unusual because I like gory animes. I guess it wasn't the killing itself, but the context of the killing that effected me.
True, it's not really the nudity that effects people. It's the evisceration, beheadings, and just being able to watch limbs being sliced off so smoothly.

I made it through about 9 episodes before I stopped, not because I was disgusted, but I merely wondered to something else. But it is really something awesome and deep.
I dont think the UK has one yet, just got to buy them all seperately.
But use Ebay, they do decent priced imported anime boxsets.