

Jul 4, 2010
In the circus, next to the guy eating light bulbs
Hello, everyone! You can call me Angel or Jazmyn or whatever variation of that you find suitable. I'm a 16 year old chica from the states and I'm really laid back. I love Final Fantasy, especially seven and eight. I love Tifa and Yuffie. I actually came from a site called FFDebate, where I was an admin of sorts, so hopefully I won't have too much trouble finding my way around here. Haha. Anyways, I'm super excited to be here and if there's anything else you'd like to know, just hit me up! :)
I'm actually a little bit of a grammar nazi. haha. I hate making stupid little mistakes. It just bugs the crap out of me. Thanks for the welcome. :)

I instantly like you already, Jazmyn! xD

Welcome to the forums! :dave:
Yep. XD You said you were a grammar nazi, so I couldn't help myself. You should see the reactions I get with that bad boy in the SB. :griin:
You're evil. I like it. xD

Fleur, thanks. :) I got here and was all nervous because I didn't know any members but I can see everyone here is really nice. I see a lot of people here are older?

We're all spring chickens here, sweetheart.

Now get off my lawn, it's time for my stories.
I love Tifa too. =)

Welcome to the forum!