Nintendo Entire Zelda series


Ghost of Christmas Past
Mar 31, 2009
United States
This series was one of the best that i have ever played, the ocarina of time was my all time favorite b/c it had such a good storyline, probably the best for any Zelda game. So what is your favorite and why?
Yep, this is an awesome, awesome series. It's gotten a little re-hashy over the past few years, but the SNES, game boy, and N64 titles were the sh*t way back when.

(although, I've gotta give credit for Twilight Princess, that was just cool.)
I didn't like the beginning of majoras mask. I really enjoyed a link to the past though. I got everything in that game and have played it several times through.
Lack of Majora's Mask on the poll = :mad:

My fave in the Zelda series tends to switch between OoT, MM and Wind Waker ona regularish basis for different reasons. OoT gets the nod for the outstanding way it brought the series into 3D, so many class moments that I have never had the same effect with any other game since. MM did the time travel aspect much better and I loved the world and the darker, sadder tone of the game and WW was just a beautiful title and kind of had that almost retro look with the cel shading.

I've voted for WW at this time in any case, would like to revisit that game at some point in future but still need to finish Minish Cap, Link's Awakening and Oracle of Seasons first. The handheld Zelda's just don't seem to get a huge amount of time spent on them from me for some reason.
ack, i thought i typed majora's mask in. I didn't really enjoy any of the handheld Zelda games. They needed to be on a different platform. I don't think anybody even plays the handheld Zelda games much anymore. Since the gamecube has OoT and TP
OoT is over rated but all the same its my favorite... I also really enjoyed Twilight Princess. I keep going back to OoT because its such an amazing and perfectly balanced game.
Ocarina of Time was probly my favorite. Ive ony played 2 of the games all the way through (OoT and Twilight Princess) and 1 half way through (Wind Waker) Wind waker was pretty fun from wat i remember, its been years since i played and i remember getting stuck at one point and stopped playing, plus i rented it so i was on a time limit (honestly i cant remember the last time i rented a game.. so that tells me its been a veryyyy long time). I wounder if i can download the game from the Wii, i havent checked yet.
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When I picked up The Wind Waker some years ago, I fell in love with it. The graphics were something fresh and I simply loved them. It's even more amazing how they didn't take away from the seriousness of the game. Ganondorf was awesome in this game, you could really tell he was an evil warlock. Instead of starting in Hyrule, you started in your world own world, which was something equally new. The bosses were as epic as ever, if not more--having to fight bosses while on a boat was awesome.
The first game was good. Just titled The Legend of Zelda. Zelda 2, didn't like the switch to a 2d scrolling screen.

Link to the Past - absolutely legendary. Simple as.
Link's Awakening (Gameboy) - Good but not great.
Ocarina of Time - If there was a God, he would spunk all over this.
Majora's Mask - Decent enough.
Wind Waker - Got alot of critism because of the graphic style, but I think it's brilliant.

These are the ones I've played.
My all time fav will always be Ocarina of time!!!!! There's so much to do, so many songs to play and so, so, so much swords and cool moves! And who can NOT want to fight Ganondorf and Ganon over and over?!
Ocarina of Time is the best in my opinion. Not only because it was the first one I ever played (so it carries a lot of emotional value XD) but also because it was the first game I played in 3D and I was like "WOW, preeetty graphics!" XD

I also prefer the story of OoT and the way it's told. The developmnet of the story also appeals me more than the other games. To be able to travel through time and see what terrible future awaits you was pretty shocking. :O The music was also fantastic, my favorite being the Gerudo Valley theme. OoT is my favorite in so many ways. XD
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I have been playing Twilight Princess lately and no matter how much i play it, it still doesn't beat Ocarina of Time, no matter how hard i want to believe that it still has the potential to surpass OoT, i don't think its going to happen.
Where's the Link's Awakening option in the poll? D:<

LA was easily my favorite, the characters and overall plot are what did it for me. Malon and Talon are terrible substitutes for Marin and Tarin, there was actual romance between Link and Marin. Not to mention Malon acts nothing like Marin. >_>

Anyway, the game is just overall more emotionally charged than the others IMO.
I knew Ocarina of Time would be the most popular choice, I imagine it probably will always be the favourite Legend of Zelda game for the majority of the Zelda fans.

But I am biased, I have to say my favourite one is The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, despite the fact that only one other person picked it...I am picking my favourite, not the majority's, after all. =P

Twilight Princess is my favourite in very large part because you can actually control a Wolf in the game, I though that was really fun, and an interesting addition to the series.

Aside from that, I thought that the graphics were pretty nice, even though, true enough that it is pretty much just exceptional Gamecube graphics, not true Wii graphics, I still thought it was pretty impressive considering...though others I believe think otherwise. :P

But to finish this message, I've got just one more thing to say: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is awesome. :awesome:
You should definitely put majora's mask up there. Thats my all time favorite, followed close behind by oot.

Majora's masks story was just amazing.
Sweet sweet nostalgia. <3
Lol i dont think you can edit polls without redoing the whole thread... but just imagine its there lol... and i didn't really like twilight princess all that much b/c Midna wouldn't ever STFU.