Eragon fan?


Don't Forget Me.
Dec 5, 2006
Ontario, Canada
thought there should be a thread for my fav it all and saw the movie. what did YOU think of the book and movie? or how bout the sequel eldest?
I really loved the book, the movie was...........ummm....well it stayed pretty true to the book, but it was just SOOOO rushed, it made it kinda..corny >_> I dont like fast pasted movies like that, its like if you didnt read the book then you have NO CLUE whats going on

and I had a different vision of what they all looked like, Eragon was a lil too old looking, and his hair was too just didnt look like him..but Murtagh ..@_@ wow was he cute! And they did an AWSOME job for Saphira, she was so cool looking..

I didnt like though how they didnt show their bond very well, in the book you can just tell they have a really stong bond, but in the movie it was more of a '..meh' feeling...

i think that they should have used the same ending as in the book because the ending in the movie was kinda crappy ...
ive wanted to read it but the only copy of both books are owned by my brother and trust me, you dont want to touch anything thats been NEAR his room let alone in it, and its always out at the libaray (grrr)
I've read Eragon... It was nice!^^
But a lil' bit.. booring..<.<

I've tried to read the second one too.. but.. i couldn't go on!O_O
I was near to the end but.. it was sooo boring,.... really...

I didn't enjoy it very much.. and about the movie...
It didn't inspire me....<.<
It isn't like: Harry Potter... I thought that Eragon's Special Effects weren't much good..<.<
i think that movie was alright but it could have been way better. the book was great. it was fun comparing the differences in the movie and in the book. i think that they should have used the books ending instead of the one they used
Haven't seen the movie but I love the book and I got Eldest this past Christmas and I've read it and it was pretty good. I didn't want to book to end at the point it did but oh well. I just can't wait until the third book.
I got Eragon and Eldest and I really liked the books, even if they aren't the best books that I have read. The movie, however, was, I my view, a poor excuse for a movie, and I just hated it.
Meh, I guess I shouldn't comment since this is a thread for the fans, but I will anyway.

I've read more or less (probably less) than a third of Eragon. Multiply the word "boring" by one hundred and you'll see my point. It's just so boring, and nothing has really happened.
It took about 80+ pages just for Eragon (really creative name there ¬_¬) to leave his bloody hometown.
The plot annoys me too.
Star Wars, anyone? A Princess tries to send an item of great value to a member of an ancient order just before she gets captured. Instead, the farm boy goes out and finds the archifact - (skipping a few of those pointless chapters) - and when he comes back his uncle's house is burned down and the uncle is killed. Farm boy meets the Member of the Ancient Order. Farm Boy and Member of the Ancient Order go out to avenge the uncle's death.
And Saphira's
little rampage just prior to the uncle being killed was just completely fake. What the hell? Big ol' mighty dragon CONVENIENTLY has a PMS spazz-out just as the uncle is about to die? Bad, bad writing in my opinion.

Another thing that annoys me: the Thesaurus Syndrome. Who seriously writes stories using words like "stymied" and "scintillating" ... ? It's almost like the author is pointing and laughing at me saying "Haha, I know how to use a Thesaurus". Why not just use words everyone can understand like "hindered" (for stymied) or "bright" (for scintillating).

The movie? Hilarious beyond belief. "I suffer without my stone." ... Yeah, the audience is suffering listening to this crap. I couldn't take any of the scenes seriously. The Ra'Zac? (Again, why did Paolini butcher the english language? WHAT ARE THE APOSTROPHES THERE FOR?) Why have they changed from
Nazgul-clones with beaks
to Ninja Zombies? I think Jeremy Irons was the only one actually trying to act. It was so much fun to laugh and cringe at.

To fans:
Don't take offense because I don't like it. This is just my opinion.
I read the book, but neglected to watch the movie. Normally movies never live up to the book, and I didn't want to watch the movie and have it taint the books image.

Amazing book. Amazing book.