Espers or Classics?

I liked the espers cause you had to rely more on your gambits
and your level strenght than on the espers

unlike FFVII FFVIII FFIX FFX the summons where perfect for the boss fight
but know its more Quikenings and team mates
I dont really mind, i suppose it's a change, but Shiva, Ifrit and Ramuh I miss, especially Shiva, the FFX version of her was so cool, I do hope they bring them back. :)
Well, I loved how they gave a lot of background and such on the espers, but I NEVER used them. The classic summons in the other games were a lot more useful, IMO.
whoever said the espers didn't have a overdrive in a way they're wrong because you know how whe the time runs out the do that special attack i read that's the overdrive but i sort of like when you summon them the fireld changes color because i go like "raises arms* I.AM.GOD!!!!!!!!" and when you summon the classics you couldn't even use the character you play as so i like the espers better
Definitely the classic summons. It's just something I got used to seeing and looked forward to seeing. Now, I liked to Esper's in this one, but like most, I found them completely useless. :'(
I liked the look of the all the new Espers but they were pretty useless in the game. I really disliked the fact that they did'nt stick with the classic names and overall looks of the originals. Then just to my further disappointment there was'nt even summon designs on the ships.
the espers from XII were complete garbage and if final fantasy is gonna change the summonings, they should at least make the change a change for the better. i mean, i didn't use them one time except when you needed to use one to get into giruvegan.
I'd say those Espers should just stay with the Tactics series and keep the traditional summons in the main Final Fantasy series. That's one of the reasons that this game feels like Tactics rather than a Final Fantasy game.
The classic summons are way better. When i first saw the esper list i was like. Wait no ifrit, shive.....NOOOOOOO!!!!
Espers were in FF6 and that had the most summon/chr interaction than any other... but lets face it. All summons/espers become useless at some point in every FF game (except for probably KOTR)... it's just that these ones become useless at an earlier stage than all the others. :P
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I would rather see the classics than these new summons. I mean...they could've added some of the new along with the old. Eh, they didn't though. Quite lame.

They should leave the classics alone and let them stay. The espers were useless anyway. :/
actually. Espers were first. I think. Cuz in ff I and II there wern't any right. So that means FFIII was the first to have espers. which means that espers are really the classic.
actually. Espers were first. I think. Cuz in ff I and II there wern't any right. So that means FFIII was the first to have espers. which means that espers are really the classic.

I don't think they are called Espers in Final Fantasy III. Besides, I think what people are debating about are the is really the Traditional summons (Ifrit, Shiva, Bahamut etc.) vs. The new summons (Which are from FFTactics). Since summons were introduced in FFIII. This is the first game to not have either Ifrit and Shiva aswell as not having any previous FF summons and went for the Tactics summons probably because the game is set in Ivalice.
I think that either way they didn't it didn't matter the espers were pretty much one of the worst summon system to date. The most interesting one was ff8 when the abilities could be learned by them, but the lack of customization on each summon really made me ignore them for the entire game.:O