
I found them to be quite powerful, but I only ever used them for the sake of using them. Mainly to see what they looked like, and what their final skill was... which typically looked great with each Esper.

Their use? They're far too underpowered to be really useful in battle. T'is a shame; they're awesome in concept.
I honestly think they have no use. I was quite disappointed with them. Typically with summons/espers in any FF series, they are worthy of your time and quite powerful. They're the ones that make you think, "Yes, my summon's gonna save my butt!"

But did they save my butt in FFXII? Hah, I wish. I remember I died several times when I used them. Sure, they may be in a low level at first, but still...they should at least be useful in any way possible. So I stopped using them altogether since I found that my characters are more powerful all around.
I never use any of the offensive espers because they're just not strong enough for me. I like using the defensive espers, because myparty was just sucking on more of a defense and it actually helps agains my boss fights
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I found them to be quite powerful, but I only ever used them for the sake of using them. Mainly to see what they looked like, and what their final skill was... which typically looked great with each Esper.

Their use? They're far too underpowered to be really useful in battle. T'is a shame; they're awesome in concept.

Same here. I just used them to see their Special Attacks and Final Skill and just to see what they looked like. =).

Other than that, the Espers were quite useless. They couldn't save me from anything at all.
I thought if they were used well then they would be stronger or help in better ways but it ends up that they're totally useless for me.
They, along with me die whenever I summon them. I suppose Zodiark is decent enough but why bother using him when you already have an extremely powerful party anyway?
I find them useful...i find quickening MORE useful, but still i find espers useful in some situations
I look at them once or twice but I dont see the point in using them when your characters are just as powerful.
im not to far in FFXII but i have used Belius for quite a few battles including the Tiamat and the elder wyvern thing(golomore wood) and i think he is fairly usefull.
But if you were about to die then that means you will have mp to heal yourself :monster:
Gab has a point if you are indeed on the verge of death instead of summoning you would use an uber healing spell like Curaga to send your health back up to a safe level then you would revive your characters and heal them aswell
Gab always has points :monster:
If they were like in earlier ff's where time didn't really matter then these summons would be good.
They just don't work well with this battle system.
I found them to be completely useless... They were fun to track down and obtain, but they served no real purpose as far as the battle system goes. I think I prefer the traditional Summoner or battle stat integration... at least something that makes use of them.
I found them to be completely useless... They were fun to track down and obtain, but they served no real purpose as far as the battle system goes. I think I prefer the traditional Summoner or battle stat integration... at least something that makes use of them.

I prefer X's or VIII's way of summons. It's quite awesome, really. The way XII is doing it, is so lame. They are useless but really fun to obtain. =).