
There are 13 espers. You must defeat each one in order to obtain the use of it. Even if you beat it, you can't use it right away. You have to buy its spot on the license board to use it. Even then, only the character that buys the spot can use it.

Each esper costs anywhere from 1-3 mist charges to sumon it, depending on how powerful it is.

Mist charges are basically segments of your magic bar. It's a little more complicated than that, but that is the jist of it.

When you summon an esper, it stays on the battlefield and fights alongside you. They each have a couple cool magic sequences that do a fair amount of damage. For the most part though, they are useless. It is easier to beat your enemies into submission.
Totally agree with Ninja-completely useless.And you have to go through some rigorous tasks to fight some of them,too.And a couple are really hard to beat!But when you have them at your side?Nada.Well,if you summon one to just walk around with you fighting the random monsters lurking around,they do their thing.But in a pinch,when you really need them,zilch.And the ones worth using take all your MP!And they disappear if you die!Argh!
Yeah, I agree with both of you guys. The only time they were useful was when I was beating big hunts long before I was supposed to. They can take a lot of punishment if you heal them enough. After that, they do get useless, and I have NEVER used the later ones (zodiac, ultima, etc) for anything. Even the mist knacks/quickenings get useless after a while.
Not only are the Espers useless, their design is even lame. The only Esper that was even mildly impressive is Zeromus.
I've beaten the game and only have yet to receive the Zodiark Esper, but I agree that once you are at the end, you can easily and more quickly take down any opponent by just shere fighting and attacking. The whole method of obtaining Espers and their history in the bestiary is cool, but in the gameplay they are less than average for battles.
no you are so wrong. espers are not useless,they are for noobies who do not know how to use quickenings,or laggers who cannot press mist charge in time .
Whatever. What's the difference. Espers Die really quickly in battle. They're a waste of MP. I don't even think you should've been able to summon them.
Ugh. Espers were so usless.
I only summoned Belias once when it was necissary to open that gate.