Ethics in School


White Mage
Dec 6, 2006
Upon talking and viewing some people yesterday at my job, a weird thing hit me. It seems that what I was discussing was responsibility and the teaching of morals. It seemed that, well, with a lot of T.V. and advertising going around that it corrupts the younger generations; Ranging from sex in school (The Fifth Graders in Virginia: Full Article) to that of stealing and such. It seems that our morality level is dropping down and down from what was once prestige. How will they determine from right and wrong?

It seems that parenting at times isn't doing the job, and yet schools are the answer at times. However, it seems that we can never preach our ordain a certain ethic viewpoint. Why? Because people outlaw certain things. The teaching of the Golden Rule can't be taught due to Freedom of Religion (U.S.), as well as book reading. Sure, I would gladly accept to read famous books for most of which present an ethical dilemma. They can actually learn from this.

However, to the question. Should ethics be taught in School and/or on something separate? If parents aren't doing the jobs, where do morality teachings go to?

Your thoughts. I am currently writing a report on this.
What in God's name was what I just read in that article? Where's morality in all this for goodness sake? Aren't this children getting any education at all?!

I am not surprised though, most of the children of this generation are quite have such a high level of perversion that even our ancesstors would die once again if they were to witness such a shameful situation. Where was the essence of innocence left these days? Is our society enduring such a terrible state of low morality?

Sorry if my post doesn't make any sense but after reading that, the heck....
Morality is up to the individual. I can tell you about morality; however, unless it is part of your experience, it is never really ever "truth".

Not to mention, ethics & morality are relative to the time period & the society.
That's true. It's Society that dictates what is acceptable and what isn't.

I believe that people have always acted the way that they do, but in previous societies it's not been 'socially acceptable'. Everything was done 'behind closed doors' and 'moral' people didn't speak of it.

The society we live in now, for the most part, is more open.

If you personally think something is immoral don't do it. But don't judge others by your standards either. That seems to be the way it goes now.
If you personally think something is immoral don't do it. But don't judge others by your standards either. That seems to be the way it goes now.

But the thing is, how will they know what is good and bad if they are never raised or taught the correct way? =/

But the thing is, how will they know what is good and bad if they are never raised or taught the correct way? =/
I know the question was rhetorical, but I'm curious as to how one can believe in a "correct way" when we've established that morality & ethical behavior are relative.

I mean, is there an absolute? Personally, I don't think there really can be, but I'm interested in your viewpoint.
Moral behavior is that of "Right and "Wrong" attitude. Ethics is that of morality.

My viewpoint is:

Ethics is that of importance. With the continue increase of society, without ethics or morality the society can turn to chaos. Morality is something that we accept as good and bad behavior, such as helping vs. killing. A person with a good moral tends to help a lot while one with a bad one tends to be selfish. It is a set standard.

Any religion or law states "good" ethical behavior, besides that of killing a living thing. Take that as you want. However, if people grow up to be unaware of these laws or challenge them to fight for their own selfish needs, wouldn't that corrupt society into an anarchy? And if people aren't able to teach the newer generations this, wouldn't it be safe to say that it will happen sooner than you think?

You can't really teach anything along the lines of ethics in school today, but I feel that it's the parents' responsibility for this. Even so, not everyone or everything will teach the kids these good and bad ethics. That is why I rather have something like a ethics class in school teach, but then again, it would be a giant controversy.
Hmm... I see where you're coming from & I do agree that this is logical.

My only problem is that a response to understanding is always stronger than a response to rhetoric & dictat. And it's for this reason that I feel that ethics & morality is solely the individual's responsibility. I can inform others of ethics & those people may refrain from doing what I have told them is unethical, but those people will not understand why they shouldn't do it. Without understanding, knowledge has no meaning.

However, if we all slow down & truly see what it is that we do on a constant basis, morality & ethical behavior follow suit. Hence the old phrase "you reap what you sow". The only problem with today's society is that it's so fast-paced that when you get to the reaping, you can't remember what it was that you sowed. It becomes impossible to correct ill-behavior when you can't remember what it was that brought about your harvest.

I guess what I'm getting at is that perhaps it would be better to educate others in the ways of being mindful, so as to make them more aware. In this way, they will be able to come to rational, meaningful conclusions for themselves. Not only will they come to ethical behavior, but they would also know it to be true because they went out & they tested it for themselves.

Does that sound logical?
I guess what I'm getting at is that perhaps it would be better to educate others in the ways of being mindful, so as to make them more aware. In this way, they will be able to come to rational, meaningful conclusions for themselves. Not only will they come to ethical behavior, but they would also know it to be true because they went out & they tested it for themselves.

Does that sound logical?

Exactly what I have been saying, except for the conclusions themselves. That idea is sort of a free-based concept. But the only problem is, what and how do we educate? It's something that is a world-view and solely yours.
I don't believe there has been a reduction in morality. More likely, it was always present. More population (resulting from peace, so probably a lower rate of occurance that allows this) leads to higher numbers. High media and no scooting immorality under the table leads to it seeming more. We do not beat people for being immoral, so people do it to show they are free of that oppression. Once that gets old and we stop glorifying it, we will probably become very moral, a conscious sort. The type in the past seems nice until we realize it is not perfect like in an anime, but more sheep-like for the most part. That, or born of strife and while that can forge a harder individual, we would be villains to inflict it upon people for that purpose, like Reverse Flash tries to with Wally West. "IWillMakeYouABetterHero..."
I seriously think that ethics should be taught.
Not because of the article I just read *is still shocked*, I've actually thought about this quite some time now.
There are so many kids that are going to the dumps now because of this 'lack of ethics' thing that their parents are supposed to have taught them at home.
The church might be able to help, but not all kids attend church, do they?

The ethics rate may be the same, but wouldn't it be better if it was higher?
They have to know what is right or wrong, but the lines are blurred nowadays, aren't they?

What is right might not seem right to them anymore. Plus, the teenage population (myself included) seems to take to the idea of rebellion, and most do it to the extreme, i.e. running away, joining gangs, whatever.
Education is most important, and I don't think it's been stressed enough.
That's the sad thing about our society now, innit?
And at this rate, there's going to be more, and more, and more, and more people who are unethical and are just basically going to the dumps.
In a hundred or so years, we could be a world of organized crime, corruption rings, etc.

Think about that.