Eureka Academy

Eh... if anything, if we're lacking teachers, Orion could run a little side-class of martial arts and discipline every once in a while, if you'd need it.

Though I doubt anyone would be open to it... Seeing as this school relys more on magic and such anyways.
Oh, if DC positions are going to be that limited, I may just have Raistlin stay. Can't leave the DC short staffed now, can I? :wacky:

So, I'll probably have Cameron leave the school (I notice I'm not posting with him too much, may just make him side character to pop in every now and then), and have Raistlin take over his class. :ryan:

Of course, I do have another character in mind that I'll probably be putting in too point oh as well. :yay:
Damn.... well, that means we need someone for SC...

Unless you guys WANT Orion to be back in it... Though, I guess kinda in my defense, his personality changed, a lot. Still, though... I leave it up to the other RPers on who you wish to be SC.
Delijah still around and is fighting.

All my characters, being Escaflowne, Delijah and Maya will be present. Only reason Maya hasnt been posting is that i dont want her exposed to magic as of yet.

On a side note, for those who read Fairy Tail, what type of magic does Ex-quipping fall under? I plan to have Maya learn that soon and wonder which teacher is capable of teaching her it.
Sounds good! New people who join EA may get into the position Ringo :hmmm: It won't be short staffed by a long shot! I will cut the numbers of DC members by 2 though. I think there were too many last time and a lot just got lazy and dropped out >.<
Erm... I would guess some kind of magic relating to conjuration.

We only have one magic teacher anyways.... and I sincerely doubt the mad alchemist knows anything about the complicated art of Ex-quipping... though if I'm wrong, do correct me.
Damn, I hate it when I start getting indecisive. :hmph:

I'll have my decision up by tomorrow. I'll spend the rest of the night thinking about it. Either way, it's going to be good. :grin:
Of course my character will return in the storyline, though she'll most likely be learning support magicks to supplant her already established martial arts skills. (ala White Mage/Monk combo)
You can count on nova to keep being the teacher of combat theory... Same general course, "everything related to combat that isnt covered in anyone elses class" i.e. terrain advantage, mind games, manipulation... The works...

Hey this might be a good time to introduce "that special mission" we were walking about HS, the eehm "risque" one if you recall?
Yes apparently everything with Nova is Risque :hmmm: I'll get to it once EA2 starts!

Luckily I won't have to think too hard on it once the RP ends on Friday. Depending on the demand and help I get EA Second Semester might be up a few months earlier than expected :hmmm:
I'm always up for helping and could spare a couple of hours a day on mental work (i have some spare time on my internships for mental work, as the chemistry i'm doing involves a lot of waiting)...

Gimme a call if you need help, i'm good for confidential work, hell i help out on the landscaper as a tech consultant and thats in the top 1% of all the webcomics ranked on thewebcomic list... (Not saying this to show off or nothin' but just to point out i am capable of keeping secrets from the internet) BTW: totally awesome webcomic i recommend it;)
Well you guys it's been fun. This RP will only remain open for almost 2 hours. It was nice Rping with you all. Any matters you have pertaining to EA2 shall be PMed to me until I get a discussion thread for the new roleplay up. For those of you who have stayed active I figured I'd give you a nice generous Rep donation as you've all done a wonderful job in telling an amazing tale of Eureka. I would like to announce the discussion thread for Eureka Academy officially finished! (Boy did a lot of stuff go on in here O__O) A long thread for a gigantic Rp. Anyways I'll see you second semester! :P Take a nice break until then ^o^

So that's that. Ending was a bit rushed yes, but it all worked out in the end. I'm happy for that and look forward to Eureka Academy: Second Semester, coming soon.
That was awesome!

Well, seems as if first semester is over. Hell, we did all this in less then a year?

Oh damn. The second year is gonna be hell...
Oli, Maya will be returning. She is just sleeping in her room... which is surprising considering what has been going on XD
Yeah, I just realized that. Maya is a heavy sleeper, ya know that?

I might wind up making a second character, since I'm the only one active to have just one character...