Euuuughhhh put it awaaaay


Dark Knight
Aug 28, 2007
Bambi Branford
FFXIV Server
We've all seen them, people offending the eyes with what they are wearing. I'm not talking about their styles here, each to their own and all that, but I'm talking when women wear too tight clothes and they have muffin tops etc, do these people not look in the mirror before they leave the house?

Anyway, have you ever seen something, so gross, that your jaw just hits the floor and you can't help but stare?

I was in the shop (for a change, inoerite) agggges ago, and I was just stood at the till, ready to go when this woman walked in, she was quite a large lady and she had a rather short skirt on, but then I notice, that her flabby belly was hanging BELOW HER SKIRT, like it was covered up, but hangiong out liek underneath :sick:

Me and the shop girl jus tlooked at each other, I think our jaws dropped simultaneously, it was 'angin xDD
Oh I know what you mean I hate when people do that!!:mark:
after reading that i have the sudden urge to yell "Whale harpoon it!!" lol
I remember, I was at the McDonald's drive-thru with Mum, and someone walked across in front of our car and went into the store - and we just stared. She had bleached blonde hair, and it was black underneath, so it looked skunky. Then she had massively tight Glad. sandals on that made her thighs pudge out in the free space.

Just. uuckkk. >_<
There's someone at the top of my mums street who does that, she wears a really short skirt and a really tight top which looks horrendous, I mean, it's not even that she's just fat she is the ugliest woman I've ever seen. She makes Shrek look attractive :sick:
Muffin tops make me lark, my friend has one and I cant help but tease her lol. But yeah, Ive seen some nasties at work. One tramp came in wearing a belt basically and bent over in front of mye and my mate to get a magazine and we nearly threw up, her arse was eating her bloody thong! It was nasty as hell!
There's a girl in my Law / English Language class, we call her Scary Girl because she wears the most atrocious clothes of all time ever.

She's quite, how shall I say this, big. And she insists on wearing skin-tight leggings. Without a skirt. Or shorts. Or anything. It's gross. Her thighs literally hang from the edge of her seat. The leggings do NOTHING to disguise or hide this. She also took to walking around with a huge leopard print coat for a while, it literally looked as though one had died on her and had it's head, arms, legs and tail cut off.

She just always wears totally revealing clothes, or hideous beyond belief clothes. Some of them would look nice if she were half her size, and I don't mean that nastily really, it's just really, there's far too much flesh on display that should be hidden away or disguised. Not displayed for all to see. Like. Each time she stands up, you can see her arse hanging out over the top of her leggings. Not nice.
The most annoying thing for me is when humongous flabby chicks think that they have perfect perky boobies. <_<

They come into the shop with a top barely covering half their nipples and when they lean over their tits nearly flop out onto the counter! :gasp:

They think it's hot when they overflow and bulge like the rolls on their stomach do. o_0 And they think that they don't have to wear a bra. *throws up a little*

I mean, I only have small boobs that are perky on their own but I don't walk around without a bra on in public. These women need to freakin' wake up and realise that not everyone wants to see their flabby saggy titties when they go out.

It's like, "Love, if you weren't that fat, your boobs wouldn't exist and when you loose weight, that flab is just going to be loose skin."

Half of them just about give you a black eye their tits pop out that much. XD

They just look skanky.
This, alongside teenage guys who insist on wearing their jeans BELOW their arse, and white people with dreadlocks, should be banned. I'm all for people being comfortable with their own body, whatever shape it might be, but some outfits should just never be made in size hippo.
This topic is actually very amusing... I'm reading every post... XD

Guys, my mother...doesn't know how to dress. It's quite humiliating whenever there's a family function or when she picks me up somewhere. And I try giving her advice, but she doesn't listen. I don't know what to do. She just doesn't know how to dress for her body type... She looks quite terrible.... any advice??
I hate these kinds of women with a bloody passion. And I'm not talking about the ladies who have a little bit of extra weight. I'm talking about women who could be related to whales.

I remember this one chick in Drama class a few yrs ago. She'd wear booty shorts that said stuff like *Sexy* *Juicy* ect ect. It wasn't pleasant. Not to mention her face looked like it'd been hit by a bus.
It's not just women that are overweight, I find in general women who don't dress appropriately, and have waaaay too much flesh on show, quite offensive to the eyes. Even skinny little things.

So often I'll be grocery shopping and some woman will bend down to grab something and WHOA.. get that G-string outta my face, please! If you feel comfortable wearing a skirt that short, at least put something underneath.. anything but a G-string that is popping out either the top of your jeans, or exposing your vast bum cheeks to the world. In the lease, be mindful of bending over... they don't even think about it, they just bend down and helloooooo.. ! Arse on show. Right in front of you. >__>

I saw one (rather attractive) young lady in a store. Her jeans were so bloody low, you could actually see her pubes out the top... ACK. >_<;; No matter how attractive you are, that's always just extremely wrong.

It's just unsightly..

And to the huge mamas.. please, for the love of God.. don't shop where your daughters buy clothes. Surely they can't be comfortable squeezing into those tight little outfits.. ?

I saw one extremely obese woman in a shopping centre.. no bra, naturally. But that wasn't the worst part - her top was squeezed over her - tight as hell - and her pendulous, massive breasts actually came out from UNDERNEATH the top she was wearing. Like they were at her knees.... !!!

Men deserve a mention too. It's not all women.. please, pull up your pants!
I saw this one guy who had the baggiest pair of jeans I've ever seen.. and they actually fell off while he was walking. lol..

Then there's the men with the sloppiest clothing I've ever encountered. Like.. really dirty looking. Clothes that look like they haven't been washed since the dawn of time o_O;; ... very unnattractive. You won't get any, dressing like that!
I actually don't care about what people wear in general, although some need to know their limits. If this is about overweight people wearing small clothes, well I'll go on a different tangent for a sec.

For instance whenever I see a dude sagging so low that his pants are pratically off, it makes me question his age. When I see people with hats on side ways instead of backwards or forwards, I facepalm. I understand the need to look different, but when it is apparent that the fad is a fad, and will always be a fad, I need to take a picture, to remind you of how goofy you looked back when.

Around here you can basically see everything a girl has to offer, shamefully in fact. I mean seriously whatever happened to keeping us guys wondering. Hell we all know what you have and if you are shaven or not now, its pretty wrong. STDs are real, and the way you throw it out there.. it makes us want to get tested. Thank god I don't have to worry about it. And what the hell folks? How many fake breasts are out there? How young are people getting them these days? L and I were talking about how her friend K. and her best friend Le. had breast implants before the age of 18. How is this even possible? Eh I don't wanna spin this off topic, but this is a shame, you should just be happy with what you got.

Bah. Sorry if I'm being too open, but this is nuts to me. As for the guys, why the hell must everyone wear underarmor t-shirts everywhere you go? I can understand them for working out and such, but dude, conceal the moobs.

All in all I really don't care, but I'm just throwing some disturbing things out there. Trust me, we are all conformists, I wear jeans and a t-shirt every day, so I'm sure someone has a problem with that.
Ah, I see women (men as well) like that on a daily basis (my aunts & uncles aren't what I would call sexy......).

Truthfully, I don't have much of a problem with it......but 'strutting their stuff' just earns them shocked expressions from others. I'd want to say something but they tell me to just let it go. That's when I got shocked. I actually expected them to not know what they looked like in clothes that.....tight. Apparently, they did know, and didn't care what others thought. Maybe that's why women with more than a little extra weight don't seem to care either? Or they just never noticed...................

I'm a tomboy, so I'm not into girly clothes. I'm not fat either. I am a little chubby but it's not even noticeable since I don't have a belly. Which is why I'm not sure what to think of large women who wear clothes that tight. All I can say is, wear what you want, but know in advance whether it looks good on you or not.
Can someone tell me what the fuck is a muffin top? xD
I have a image in my head of what it is but...can't explain it.
Alot of the girls in my school are whores tbh, but only a few of them are actually hot, For all you people who know emo hoe, she does that all the time, the thing Kelly was talking about, she wears her skirt short and she has fat legs. >_>
Theres this guy at my school thats always wearing these really small shorts. It's really creepy.
Every post you throw, Roger makes me hear it in Roger's voice, I'll have you know that. It makes all your posts primo, regardless of how inane or ridonkulous the content.

A muffin-top is a word I didn't know of until I read it in this thread. If you go by context, and you junction your PSCS2 GF to "Things I wish I never realized," you'd know for certain that a muffin-top is indeed an extremely obese person whose upper regions precede their nethers, creating the visual effect of the muffin-top phenomenon. In short, the fat above overflows beyond the flesh below, creating a muffin shape of the body. Most unfortunate.