Evanescent Fairytale[retold]Discussion/Signup

Sooo... How about an update post for this rp eh oil?
a lot of peeps are still sidelined it appears so i guess pretty much the entire section is down for a while... tho ive never seen THIS many people go off the grid
Sorry for my lack of a post guys. I'm being restricted from internet usage because my crazy parent thinks I need to focus more on school even though I passed my midterms with flying colors :sad3:. For what it's worth my next post is a pretty long read. ^^
Looking forward to it, I can't do anything until you post <_<
Same here. Oil, we request one full page post XD
Despite all of the work I put into it I don't think I can carry on with this RP. I might just let this one die guys. I mean I have little to no inspiration into it and after I started writing I found it hard to even remotely remember the plot line of the story. Sorry guys :sad3: Since it'a about time for me to work on another reboot there's no way I could manage this RP and the one I'm working on at the same time anyway. I'm sorry again cause I really wanted this one to work out but I just don't see it being able to work as well as it was intended. The good part aboot it is that I have a chance to incorporate the summon Idea into the other RP(EA) and see how that works out :hmmm:
That's saddening ;-; Well, the good news is that with this down I can work on my own roleplay, I've had some time to think it over too