Ever find old posts you made on forums

...Why do you know about this? :ryan: I'm pretty sure it was mostly between me, Virgil, and Mark. I'd love to see the comic strip again.

This was the first forum I joined, so as expected, there are tons of posts that I'd care not to read again. Fortunately most are buried somewhere deep.


i vaguely remember it, but i know that i was definitely there :wacky:

but yea that pretty much sums up my feelings on the topic. i used to be so mean :gasp:
Sadly my original forum went offline, but I remember how I used to post...
Okay it's not 'that' much different to now, however it was A LOT more childish and cringe worthy... Believe it or not, I am now an improved poster ;).

I also went through this phase where I used no smilies. This was weird... because then I just looked moody all the time. I would rather we regarded and cheerful and chirpy rather than angry and miserable haha!
I can't say that I've ever had this problem. The forum I was on originally was closed down, and the one after that I don't go on at all, and it's pretty much dead now anyway, which is somewhat aggravating, since I had over 22,000 posts there...thinking about that, I sometimes wondered just what the hell I did to rack up a post count like that over the space of two years...

I wouldn't be particularly embarrassed by my past posts, but I would have this strong urge to choke myself. I used to be...positive. I was a sunshiny little hormone bomb when I was a teenager, and that is exactly the kind of person I don't get along with now. My older forum posts were probably made up of how much I liked something, whereas now they're mostly made up of how much I hate something :wacky:
i was pretending to have a girlfriend :monster:
edit: oh my god my brain


Yeah, and it surprises me how hyperactive and annoying I was. The gaming forum is dead now, and I think I was the main reason why it died. Mostly everything I posted was in caps, and animated gifs were everywhere.:olivia:
I just came by one of my first posts. It feels like it was only yesterday...

lol nice effort :griin:

I only post when needed most of the time, but some posts are on impulses and when I read those again it sounds a bit over excited and childish...however at the time it was well meant and the topic at hand deserved it! I dont dwell in the past..
It's only been a month and I'm already cringing at some of my original post. I've grown up in this past month. If you want an example, in that Candy Cane thread for this year, my first post was awful. My second post seemed alot more professional and neat. I'm still a goof but that's never gonna change. I fear looking back a year from now..... :D
It's a self written rule I follow, not to look at old posts of mine.. on any forum. I'm also not one to keep posting in the same thread, so usually its 1 to 1 thing and I'm off to the next thread. Think of it as looking into the past.
I try not to think about it too much... But I for sure learn from my mistakes if I DO see them! You know what they say :monster:

But anyway... Opinions and views change over time, you can either let your past affect you, or not. As long as you learn from it!
All. the. time. Like my previous posts. What the hell?

Lol admittedly I've ran into some seriously awkward posts and deleted them years later. It was that bad. Nowadays I'm a lot more behaved. It's funny though. Ten years from now will I stumble across this thread again?

To my future self: you'll be in your 40s then. Sucks to be you.

It's an absolute cringefest any time I've come an old post on here, albeit, it has only been half a dozen of my old posts as most have been buried over the last 8 years - all 10,500 of them, thankfully. I even cringe at my old graphic design work, one or two aside.

That being said, it was a very different (immature) period of life and a very different forum back then; numerous years later, adulthood, responsibility and maturity kicked in. As cringey as they are to come across - a little of my soul dies every time- it is oddly fascinating to compare mindsets on subjects from different periods.
I mean yes. I have been on here since I was 22. I have been through a lot mentally, physically and spiritually. It's strange seeing some of my posts from 14 years ago. I debated a lot, and quite frankly I was more point driven back then. My words as of late have been quite lazy. While I'm a relaxed individual I can be pretty focused and task oriented. I do miss some of life stories, some of you folks were like family to me. Just throwing no caution and spitting life like it was meant to be. Relationships, family, jobs, class work, music, gaming... You name it.

Regardless I hope everyone is doing well and keep in touch!
:D I think there was a small discussion related to this just the other day on Discord when people brought up MSN. I think it's really cool that a lot of veterans here have a lot of history that they can look back on, for better or worse :lew:

The first forums I ever joined was when I was 12 to about 20 years old, so there was a lot to be embarrassed about! I took a stroll through Waybackmachine (since they've since shut down / merged elsewhere) and found a few posts that made me cringe so hard :lew: I think a lot of people feel that way, but my attempts at being 'cool' made me just seem so obnoxious and...mean! Still, I wish I could just take a run through around the forums and see all of my old posts just for memories sake! There was a lot of people I really enjoyed talking to, and a few I didn't :whistle2: I'm still 'Facebook Friends' with a few of my old forum-mates but I really wish the forums were up and everyone was still active!

But I still look at old posts I made here just a short while ago and cringe a bit :blush: Sometimes I just don't care if I look & act silly and other times I just want to present my best self.