excuse me;


May 20, 2010
Hullo. I'm a sunny disposition'd girl from the sunny side of California who happens to enjoy most things dorky/nerdy + more.

-- In particular I have a special love for videogames (I work at Gamestop, after all!)
-- I also really love all sorts of reading materials. Science fiction, magical realism, comic books, graphic novels, and manga. Some of my favourite series and books include;
  • The Little Prince novel
  • Jpod
  • Hans Christian Anderson stories
  • Kafka on the Shore
  • To Kill a Mockingbird
  • Nana
  • Pluto (the manga)
  • Fables (the comic)
  • Archie comics
  • Watchmen
-- I haven't been watching anime as much lately. But I'm hoping to catch up on all the really great series that have been released in the past few years!
-- But aside from the clearly obvious geeky side of me, I'm also into a lot of other random things on the side. Such loves include;
  • Indie Music
  • The Royal Tenenbaums (film)
  • Amelie (film)
  • Paprika (film)
  • Art and Art History
  • Design (Fashion, interior, graphic, etc)
  • Fashion and Styling
  • Daffodils
  • Pastries and Cakes
I hope to have mucho fun here. ♥
Well, welcome, I guess. Don't worry about fitting in. It's simple. Just don't touch CassinoChips... You know? He's got boundary issues. Ah, hahahahahahaha...*sigh*. Anyway, hi.
Have we always been able to add bullets...? :gasp:

Welcome etc :mokken:

I liek your avi :monster:
welcome sunny
( think this cute nickname for you =3)
I love your siggy , nicely made.
Welcome to the forums and enjoy your stay! Don't be afraid to ask questions or join us in the Shoutbox every now and again and hope to see some good quality posts from you in the future!

Take it easy, and see you around.

- Shu
Such lovely and friendly folk! (Note how I am now far too lazy to bother with customized texts in posts. le sigh.)

@Sneaky; Oh no!!! I have to be particularly wary now, since I have boundarybubblebursting issues, and am most likely to invade one's space...especially CassinoChips since I'm now aware of his issues with space.

@cole; I've devoured enough of my mini-cake kind to finally become a miniature cake whose life is in a constant stir of danger from those who are obscenely hungry for sweets.

@Bambi; I may have cheated those bullets into my post. Taa-daa! And yes yes yes thank you, I love little dear-type creatures. That may also include....even you! (no homo)

@moonflow; Aww, I am touched in many ways and places! And thank you for the compliment on my sig, it's a slight bit dated (about half a year ago made?) but I've been busy at school, and most of my art-time is spent designing posters for orgs that request them so that I haven't had much time for real signatures as of late. Plus I'm on my laptop, and I have a strict policy of using mostly my own resources with as few from external sources as possible...so designing is suddenly made difficult.

@Shu; why thank you
I loved To Kill A Mockingbird. Great book.

Welcome to the site. Awesome introduction! :busta:
@Sneaky; Oh no!!! I have to be particularly wary now, since I have boundarybubblebursting issues, and am most likely to invade one's space...especially CassinoChips since I'm now aware of his issues with space.

......................................... what?

Welcome and such.

(Is that enough space? :wacky:)
Ah, California! =]

Welcome to the forums. You seem very lively so hope to see you around the forums. And you can actually customize your font / color via your User CP so you don't have to mess with it everytime you post. :)
Whoa, never thought I'd meet another Hans Christian Anderson fan. I love the Steadfast Tin Soldier. Well, welcome to the forum, mate!
Welcome to the forums! :dave:
WOOAAAH! Another cali-gal!

Though I think the weather's been rather sporadic recently (。。)

And one into fashion as well ❤~
Feel free to rock your style here anytime, muhuhu

Welcome to the forums!
I like cake (゜∇゜)
:lew: Welcome to the forums!
Welcome! :D (Except your username makes me want cake now -__-)

Hope you have fun here :monster: