

  • Once a day

    Votes: 6 20.0%
  • Once a week

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • 2-3 times a week

    Votes: 9 30.0%
  • 4-5 times a week

    Votes: 4 13.3%
  • Once a month

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • 2-5 times a month

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • once a year

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • Never!

    Votes: 3 10.0%

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Throwing rocks at emo kids
Jan 21, 2007
The Land of the Summons
How often do you exercise? Do you work out often? Do you find it important to exercise?

Lately, I have been going to the gym. I figured that sitting at the computer for hours a day isn't going to be good for me in the long run. :P

I try to go two to three times a week.

I'm not too good at it yet though XD. Usually I walk on the tread mill for twenty minutes and then I do some weight training. The first time I went to the gym I way over did it and could hardly move the next day. XD
I have joined a gym but I don't go anywhere near as often as I'd like to, I never exercise ever.

The only exercise I ever really get is if I walk to the shop or into town or soemthing, Im such a lazy oaf and realy need to go to the gym more often......although I was thinking of cancelling my subscription because I just never seem to go that often and it's just a waste of money >_<

I'm just a lazy bum really
*sigh* I wish I had more time for exercise. I really enjoy it, I'm such a Yoga bunny but I never get chance to do it. Either I'm too busy running around during the day, or when I do get chance my son gets over-enthusiastic and....kinda knocks me over in the middle of an asana >_<

But I do think it's important, I'm always reading the magazines and learning about health and nutrition, and I want to be able to really look after my body. I can't improve the look of it much, but if I could exercise more it would keep ticking for a lot longer.

Gyms are scary places. They seem to drain your soul or something :gasp: I don't know if I would go to one even if I had the time. But I think that people who do manage to go and get something out of it are really admirable, though I totally agree about the price being extortionate >_<
What's a "gym"? I have never heard this word...

Exercise is a foreign word to me. I don't enjoy it at all. But I must admit I've been tempted to get out and run around a little, but I need a little more motivation. Perhaps a running buddy would help. Too bad I don't have any friends in this area D=
Eek, I wish I worked out more often. What I want to really do is jog, but I find that I don't really have the chance to do so because no one can stay home to watch my daughter for me. >.> So I do perfect push-ups instead, and I find that it works really well and definitely better than regular push-ups. I do it two or three times a week, although for the past two weeks, I have been slacking. =/ And because of hectic schedules that work meetings required of me. So there's my excuse. =P

But yes, I do feel that it's important to exercise. I just tend to feel really good about myself right after a decent work-out.
I play rugby league, so I have to spend about one hour each day doing weights so that I stay healthy and to make sure that weigh enough so that when I play I can play well.
I've got training for league and basketball which means I run a lot ><.
I play basketball at school during lunch, so that's another 80 minutes of exercise a day.
I also go for 5km run most sundays.
So uhm yeah, I partake in a lot of exercise:monster:
I probably exercise about...once a week. <_< Yeah, I'm pretty lazy about it, I know I should work out more, but I hardly ever feel like it. :P
I rollerblade, but only to get from point A to point B. I'm not particularly concerned about exercise though; I don't exactly feel like I need to make my life longer, nor do I care if I looked ugly.

You don't have to go to a gym to stay fit, but I personally prefer not to go to one. I'm not comfortable with other people being around while exercising, nor do I enjoy anything one might do at a gym either--they're too repetitive.
I play football twice a week, but not competitively. Just a little thing with mates. We have a good kick about as far as they go, but I'd much rather be in a proper team. It's enough to keep me from becoming fat at least.
I also used to go rock climbing down at the local sports centre, but after the new year I just sort of stopped going. I had a lot of other commitments that took up a lot of time and I've just lost my enthusiasm for it now. I've managed to occupy myself otherwise at least.
Other than that, I walk to and from uni, which is a 45 minute walk three times a week so that keeps me fit too. That's about as much exercise as I get though.

I used to exercise at least 3-4 times a week last year. I just don't do it anymore.
I probably exercise about...once a week. <_< Yeah, I'm pretty lazy about it, I know I should work out more, but I hardly ever feel like it. :P

Lol lazy? I think not! That's actually pretty good considering that some people never exercise at all. XD
I get my workout from work. I'm standing up for eight hours straight. I'm constantly moving, lifting heavy boxes, running back and fourth when attending costumers, and more. I clean at night as well which burns a lot of calories. I've noticed that I've gotten much stronger at work as well. *flexes arms*

I use to pay a membership to a gym but I stopped. It was 75 bucks a month, fuck that! If I can't get my exercise from work then I can just run outside and do sit ups.
I go for a long walk with my family every 1-2 weeks, and have quite a bit to go to get the bus to and from college. I also frequently flex my muscles and run about quite alot. However, I'm not in peak condition, and recently I haven't been so active, having had a respiratory infection for two weeks, and rather stiff joints. It's mainly about increasing alertness and ensuring that I can defend myself.
Exercising isn't one of my priorities, but I should probably do it a bit more, just in case.
i have floorball practice twice a week, and sometimes i go out running with some friends and stuff like that
so yeah...about 2-3 times a week :)
I exercise quite a bit. It's a good way to relieve boredom. Really, I'm not that concerned with my level of fitness. I just have nothing better to do outside of work and school.

I take 5 mile jogs every other day routinely, and lift weights four days a week. Nothing extreme with the weight lifting, though. Casual exercises for 25-30 minutes. Honestly, I can't stand it. It's boring as hell. Running is much better.
I don't bother with gyms, I don't see the point in paying a gym loadsa money to use a treadmill when I could just like, go outside and run. o_O

I prefer playing sports to doing continuous exercise like you get at a gym, it's more fun. I used to play football, basketball and netball a lot but I don't so much anymore which is a shame. >< Dance is also really fun although I'm currently not part of any dance group because I quit my last one. >_>

Currently most of my exercise comes from trampolining and cycling. I've been trampolining every day recently (except for when it rains) and I go out on my bike every so often, about once a week on average if it's sunny. ><
Before I broke my neck and hip I was a guarantied shoe in for the Olympics. But afterwards I've never been able to sprint again. I still work out though, I try to put in at least 20-25 mile jog a day. Then hit the gym with alternates daily. Upper Body one day, core next, lower the next, and repeat.
Speaking of running, I finally decided to run a mile this morning. Our neighborhood is shaped like an oval, so it's really similar to your typical running track. Do three laps and that's a mile.

Anyway, I had my siblings join me for the jog, and we were supposed to run around the the first lap in under 3 minutes. I thought it would be simple enough, considering I did fairly good in track back in high school. So we ran...and I got to the curve (not even 80 yards yet) when I started losing it. So I slowed down and did a power walk. Half-way through the lap, I could barely catch my breath and my right upper side was extremely hurting. My brother was ahead of us, but my sister stayed with me. My lungs were hurting and I started to panic, so I sat on the curb where there was shade since I was really getting hot. My younger sister and I waited for about 3-5 minutes, hoping that my husband would get the hint that I couldn't do it anymore. (He was on our porch, timing us.)

When he didn't come, I told my sister to run ahead of me and get my husband, making sure to bring the car as I really couldn't walk anymore. >.< We only had like less than 80 yards to go, but for the life of me, I just couldn't do it. So then he and my sister came, but he didn't bring the car! They both held my hands like a baby (haha I hoped no one was watching, it was so embarrassing) and there I was panicking because I started to lose consciousness.

Suddenly everything ahead of me was SO bright and things were moving all over the place. I was seeing red and my ears felt weird, as if it were making this humming sound. I told them I needed to sit down again, but my husband wouldn't let me as he just wanted to get me home ASAP and kept telling me to take deeper breaths. (He was actually going to carry me!! But I wouldn't let him.)

I tried taking deeper breaths, but couldn't because it was hurting my lungs. I believe it was almost similar to an asthma attack, and as they were trying to keep me standing straight on my feet (by then my walking started going all wobbly), I finally threw up...and again, and again, and again...while walking all the way home. >.> I don't know what the hell happened...

I felt better when I got home and laid down on the couch though, but gee, that was crazy. I think the last time I actually went for a run (not counting the little jogs I did every now and then throughout the years) was...4 years ago back in senior high school...and my body wasn't ready for the run that I did this morning as I pushed myself too much, thinking about making it on time.

So yes, quite an event there this morning. Next time I'm doing power-walk all the way...just to get myself used to the idea of running again. =]

Your little bro' told me about that earlier, I hope you are alright now. :)

Anyway, my exercise (although pretty much 100% in the way of sport) has varied over the years, I took up tennis and competitive bike racing for a while but they just seem to become dull after a while and I got less and less interested in them.

Now I just tend to do football as a main exercise because I'm good at it and I enjoy it, plus we have training once and week and a match so that keeps fitness levels up quite a lot plus I play some sort of football most days whether it be a kick about or futsal. I also do quite a bit of walking...although it's mainly when we go out somewhere like down town. :wacky:

But the holidays are the worst, I can guarantee that during the holidays it will rain constantly...like it has this week -__-