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LSD is some forum that comprises mostly of members that used to be from LOCP. To give you a taste of what I mean, remember the whole forum democracy series of threads going around? That's them.

Their URL is http://404orums.co.uk/Forums/
but you'll need to sign up to see anything at all. Unfortunately, they'll probably also ban you if they don't know you.
Sounds like back at CS huh Moon XD
My thoughts exactly haha. just need a cull or two and a huge wave of new spin-off forums to come from this and we're pretty much there!

Oh btw, I think my return to CS is approching shortly :D. Tis been while and bobbyfalcontit really needs a good hiding from what I've heard. (That and I've been exiled from LL.net for the time being)
^Read the first post. It explains pretty much everything.

First of all, I want to apologize to the members for the chaos and confusion caused by this. Be sure we are taking steps to ensure this will not happen again.

Second, I want to express my disappointment with those involved, but particularly with Tethar and Riku. They were aware of what Abel and his crew were capable of and this should never have happened. But again, everyone involved including those mentioned and Garnet, Sepphire, Lady Aerith (she has apologized thogh) and Darkblade need to take a step back and realize their mess up in this.

I would like to thank Riku for explaining all this, which I know cannot have been easy. Despite how angry I was when I learned of this, I am very proud of how you are working to make restitution. I expect no less from the rest of them (I know Lady Aerith has already assisted with fixing this too).

As for the others I expect to hear something soon.

Lastly I would like to thank Words for helping with restoring the forum. He's been of great assistance since learning of the matter.

And that's enough from me. I'm dead tired. XD
While ALL of this comes as a massive shock to me (not to mention everyone else, obviously!) I commend the staff for fixing this. I can't say for the others, but as for LadyAerith, I know for a fact that she had NO idea what could have possibly resulted in agreeing to what was about to happen. She has already realized her mistake in this situation, and has been going through a pretty rough time lately in her real--and more important, frankly--life.

I find LA to be an excellent mod and I'm proud of her for doing her part to get things fixed here. Please leave her be now, people. For my sake, at least. She's apologized and she's doing what she can to help with the situation.

That's all I have to say on the matter. I'm just VERY happy this site is back! :lol:
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the forums are still sxrewed up. all the things are out of date, when are they gonna fix that?
That can't be fixed Golden. Those threads and posts were lost.
I applaud you for coming out and admitting that. Not many people have the strength and bravery to admit their wrong, and usually blame others.

I would say that you should not dwell on the past, but you should also never forget it or ignore it, or you will end up making the same mistakes again.
We all have said and done things in the heat of the moment that if we took 5 mintues to take a deep breath and think logical about it we would never think about doing in the frist place that you have apologies and that your helping to fix it and not just leaveing it to someone else to clear up is cool ^_^

Like Tielknight said its in the past now and cant be chaged so time to get on with the now just dont forget and next time something happens take 5, 10, or however long you need out and chill ^_^
It was done for a reason, yes the staff didn't mean it to come out like this..but there is an internal problem that needs to be sorted out. If it has already been sorted out then good. The site will be able to go on as normal.
Riku said:
I'll probably end up leaving FFF after a while...
You know, you could have just NOT done it in the first place? What are you, five? You knew exactly what LOCP are like.

What the fuck were you expecting from them? Truth? Honesty? You knew that would whatever THEY wanted, not what YOU wanted.

Any vidictiveness, insults and hatred you get from people out of this, you deserve. "Admitting your wrongs" doesn't make you any less guilty in this, and trying to claim some sort of repentence and understanding for your actions is laughable.

That goes for Tethar too.

Riku said:
"public enemy #2"
Just out of curiosity, whose public enemy #1?

Sephiroth said:
Perhaps I should add a section in the staff guidelines about responsible moderating.
You don't make guidelines for shit like that. You just use common sense. If someone is a vindictive cunt, they're going to do something whether your "guidelines" say so or not.

I know you'd like to think humans are nothing more than robots that can be "molded" a certain way, but sadly they're not.

Sephiroth said:
LSD is some forum that comprises mostly of members that used to be from LOCP.
LSD isn't a place comprised of some people from LOCP. LSD is LOCP, just under a new name. They just don't want to be connected to Edman in any shape or form, since he "betrayed" them, so their deluded egos tell them that if they change their name, they're no longer LOCP.
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Out of curiosity, what did LSD stand for?

LOCP stands for league of crafty programmers, right?
You know, I just can't believe you would do that just get revenge. I'm really disappointed in the staff for doing this ... I really looked up to you. And to think what I saw when I tried getting on FFF yesterday morning. It was disgusting.
=00000. whoa. so did they get the fartest bak they could cuz there still on there, there jus not dated right. man... the mods and admins did goood
ya aned LSD stands for league of social democrats. and one more question theyve been involved with us other times?????
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