XBox Fable 2

No problemo! I'm told I'm being overly critical of Fable 2, so don't let me completely turn you off of it. Despite my complaints, it's worth playing.

But yeah, the original's ending wasn't much better...though when the expansion released, the "new" ending was a bit more satisfying. At least there was a clear final boss battle. Can't say that about Fable 2.

Oooh, and Fallout 3 is amaaaaazing. I'd probably be playing it into next year if not for Gears 2 and Left 4 Dead. Awesome line-up of games this fall.

Certainly not, I'm a lover of all games, I try not to discriminate. I'll be sure to buy it eventually, but as previously said, there are so many other amazing games out, or due to be released, that Fable II is on the back burner.

Was the expansion released on XBLA? If so, I had no idea. I tend to ignore the online world. After trying to enjoy games like Halo 3 online, I gave up and stuck with campaign and offline play. But with GoW 2 on it's way, that's likely to change.

Fallout 3 is faaantastic. And with GoW 2, Mirror's Edge and Left 4 Dead soon to be released... Fable II will stay where it is for a long, long while.
Blech...Halo 3's the wrong game to play online if you're looking for enjoyment. That isn't so much a knock on Halo 3 as it is on those who play it. Good game--not so good fanbase. Gears of War 2 is definitely a good reason to get back into the swing of things, though.

As for the expansion (called Lost Chapters), I don't believe it's available on XBLA. If it is, then I wasn't aware of it either.
Fable 2 Discussion Thread

I really thought there would be one of these already. :P

Anyways, I have Fable 2 I have already beaten it once and I am close to the end on another hero. I was wondering if anyone has gotta all 50 silver keys yet, I already have gotta 50 gargoyles and unlocked all the demon doors.

I also want to know if anyone else chose the temple of shadows as their temple how they get the legendary weapon. I did it the way they wanted me to, by sacrificing my wife (all 4 of them at seperate times during midnight) along with 3 monks just to make sure. but it says after I do it that there will be a special gift if I do it at the darkest time of night, or something of the sort...


This thread is for anyone to discuss the game it is for PC and X-box 360.
I like Fable 2, but like the first installment, it's not much of an RPG... More of a life sim with combat/experience systems tacked on. Another problem I have is, the morality system is very black and white is this game... You tend to get two choices and very little middleground so you could play neutral. Also, beyond warrants at the beginning of the game, I have yet to see any far-reaching consequences for the player's actions. (Even the Warrants quest doesn't count because there's a very short amount of time gameplay-wise before you're back in Bowerstone.)

I often find the game lacking in the freedom department, but that could be attributed to also playing Fallout 3 around the same time.
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I hope that they bring Fable II to PC. I want an Xbox360 but can't afford one at the moment :confused:
It hasn't even been announced it's coming to the PC as of yet, so in the meanwhile, moved to the 360 section.

Umm.. k yes it has. :wacky:

It is microsoft.... Bunch of money grubbers. you would be an idiot not to think it was coming to the PC.
Plus it was announced befor the game came out. XD

Oh noes there is

lol Doing a mod's job and getting post count. Awesome sauce. I did love the game though. It was a little rough around the edges in some areas but overall it did what it set out to accomplish.

It is comming to the PC if not already out, I haven't checked. So the thread doesn't entirely belong in X-box only section. So it would be nice to see it back there. :P
Ummm, no. I think you're very much mistaken.
You cannot pre-order, which indicates that it's not coming out for PC yet.
It hasn't even been announced for the PC.
Peter Molyneux said:
"There's no announcement either positive or negative on a PC version just yet."

Therefore, it is staying here until it is announced for PC.
Yea, Moloneux hasn't said anything about a PC release as far as I know. When he was interviewed about it initially, he simply stated that he wanted to focus on the 360 version exclusively before considering a PC port. I would not be surprised if it was ported in the least... but no one has made comments about it yet, as far as I know.
Ummm, no. I think you're very much mistaken.
You cannot pre-order, which indicates that it's not coming out for PC yet.
It hasn't even been announced for the PC.

Therefore, it is staying here until it is announced for PC.

Thats fine, i'm not going to argue with you about it. you can wait till you can actually "buy" the game. :P

Yea, Moloneux hasn't said anything about a PC release as far as I know. When he was interviewed about it initially, he simply stated that he wanted to focus on the 360 version exclusively before considering a PC port. I would not be surprised if it was ported in the least... but no one has made comments about it yet, as far as I know.

I am going off what I have heard, i'm not saying i'm right but it is why I posted it in multi-platforms. I could be wrong, I guess we can wait till the game comes to PC.

Buy honestly who thinks it won't?
Ok I have to say fable 2 was just to short for me. The game is very enjoyable though but the problem is it is just to short and the last boss is stupid.
I was so hyped for this game. And i was so excited when i finally got it. But when I finally got so for i realized what a horrible game. It was totally dreadful. There wasn't many different types of enemies. A distasteful choice of clothing except for the Gents Jacket recolored blackish red. A select few of hairstyles. And much more. I do not recommend this game. I regret getting it when i should've bought fallout 3 or something else.
lol Fable is not a deep RPG. It is a shallow niche concept that is explored very well. It's more about character customization than it is about enemy types, puzzle solving, plots, or boss battles. It's just a good "run-a-mock" game that is both fun and interesting... but it isn't deep. If you were looking for that, you looked in the wrong place.
Actually, I've spent more time on side-quests and such as opposed to the main game story. I think I spent a good hour the other night just chopping wood to get my Wood-cutting skill up to 5-star.

I just turned the system back on so I guess it's time to complete my Hero of Will achievement.
Thats fine, i'm not going to argue with you about it. you can wait till you can actually "buy" the game. :P

I am going off what I have heard, i'm not saying i'm right but it is why I posted it in multi-platforms. I could be wrong, I guess we can wait till the game comes to PC.

Buy honestly who thinks it won't?

I'll back up my point now:

A rumor was walking through Internet about a possible release of a PC version of Fable II. This rumor has been killed by a development team member who told that they weren't working on a PC version. He added that if they was working on it, they would have told people via their own websites.

(Source : Lionhead)

I had to order it again since GAME gave me a scratched which wouldn't even load at the beginning which is bollocks considering they're supposed to make sure every game works and the scratch is blatantly obvious, then I tried to install it onto the harddrive and it got stuck at 42% so I'll play it on Sunday when I'm at the mothers for 5 a side. All being said, I got it for a fantastic deal imo of £13.50 which I ordered on Friday at 2PM or something around that time and it was here yesterday (Saturday aka, the next day) in the post at 11AM, and because the posting price is in the actual item price itself, posting is essentially free. :)