Facepalm Moments


The mighty arms of Atlas
Staff member
Jun 17, 2007
Wouldn't you like to know?
Andre the Adamantoise
Andre the Adamantoise
Ilyena Frost
FFXIV Server
So I started playing Secret of Mana yesterday and I was at the very beginning where you fall off the bridge at the waterfall. I'm running around trying to figure out how to get out of there and I get to the point where the hero stops and says "The village is this way, I need to find something to cut through." There's a sword in a little pool that you see on your way to the other side of the waterfall. Of course I know I'm supposed to get the sword but for some reason, I could not figure out how to get to the damn thing. For like ten minutes, I ran around that stupid field until, exasperated, I went to Gamefaqs.

Then I felt like an idiot after reading the faq. When he stops and says that line, you're supposed to keep moving forward because the entrance to get to the sword is right in front of you (which I actually didn't even notice until I read the faq). Instead of continuing forward, I assumed I couldn't go any further so I kept turning back. :ffs:

Has something like this ever happened to anyone else? I mean where the solution was really obvious but it took forever to actually figure it out. Of course, this can be any game and not just SOM. xP
yup, same game, same place, 2 weeks ago my friend, your not the only one.. xD
Mod Edit: Can you please put more effort into your posts in the future. Thanks =]
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My initial run through Final Fantasy VIII when I was being hunted by that giant mechanic spider. I got down to the city square where the fountain is, and I just could not for the sake of my life figure out which way I had to run to get to the next screen. I actually abandoned the game and didn't return to it until months later when a class mate was kind enough to tell me what to do :ffs:

Not the proudest moment in my "career" as a gamer...
I'll say that I've had many moments like this, but I can't remember any off the top of my head. This especially tends to happen in FF games, like flipping a switch and I strain my head looking for a way to reach the next part when the switch was right in front of me all along.

I do however have a pretty funny moment with a non-FF game. A long time ago when playing Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero (yes, the infamous epic fail MK game), and I was fighting the Wind God (2nd level boss) and kept dying after I killed him. A friend of mine was at my house and he tells me, "maybe you have to jump off the platform to the next level." This fight is basically a long platform with nothing before or after it and naturally you die if you fall off. The issue with killing this guy is that he'd generate a tornado at the center of the platform and you had to run away from it, but you'd have to be far enough away, otherwise you'd get sucked in and killed (it was very tricky to time it and get the right distance down). To this day if ever my friend asks me to help him with a game, I tell him "you have to jump to the next level". Good times!
One time, I was playing in an FFPvP megabattle, and we had a nice little battle plan rolling. I send out a mass PM before I went to bed one night, thinking we'd set the course for the next few hours and be all right. I mean, it's not like anybody could possibly misinterpret this simple concept right? So then I go to bed, wake up approximately 8 hours later. Not even 2 hours after I had sent the PM, someone went rogue and off the reservation, and post+ed an attack that radically changed our strategy and set us back several rounds.

ffx-2, looking for third garment grid from leblancs chicks.
looked all around mount gagazet, asked a friend...who told its there, i spent about 2 hours just running around. then when i quit searching and was about to leave....talked to Kimari at the very start....and the mission started...
Hotel 626.
Basically you have to take a photo of a maid who keeps moving around. I thought that if I kept following her with the camera she'd eventually jump out and I could get a photo. Turns out I need to click to take a photo :gasp:
I was playing Super Mario 3 I think it was ages ago, Ive completed it plenty of times, but the first damn level, Id jump and DIE on the first goomba thingy, and I must have done this about 6 times in a row....I was getting game over repeatedly and I was doing my own head in with my own epic fail

I got there in the end, I was just having a minor brain fart that i couldnt even successful ly jump over this STUPID fucking turtle -_-
On Last Remnant I play the PC version with max graphics which tends to get these occasional spikes where the screen freezes for a split second then goes back to normal. Well the dungeons in last remnant are freakn mazes and the routes look all the same. So while I was in the middle of one I got that lag spike and without knowing i completely turned myself around in the opposite direction so i was heading towards the entrance. When I got to the exit it said "enter world map" and i was like WTF!? I looked at my map and i was on the opposite end of where i wanted to be. :gonk:
Just about any time in a Zelda game, when you forget about a chest in an obvious place. It's like, I'll remember this for later, because I know I'll need it, because your focused on something else, and then when you get to the point where you need it, you can't for the life of yourself remember where its at. It's always so frustrating.

Oh, and in Star Ocean : TLH, I was stuck on the ship, because I didn't realize that you could go DOWNstairs to the bottom part of the ship, that took you then out of the ship. So I was running around in all the rooms looking for a way out for about an hour. >_<
Yes it happened in FFII...

I had to go to the last dungeon, but I couldn't find it. Then I found a strange dungeon. I thought "cool, a secret dungeon!". But there was an annoying type of enemy (which I later realized I could run away from) in the dungeon which effectively killed me. So I decided to stay away from this dungeon and search for the dungeon I need to go to. I have searched for a lot of time, but then gave up and searched for a FFII worldmap on Google (I was playing the NES version).
And guess what? That "secret dungeon" I have visited IS the last dungeon.

On one hand I felt like a total idiot+noob. But on the other hand, I felt that I am not that bad at finding places as I actually managed to find the dungeon by myself, just didn't know it was the right one.
Fighting Gandrake in Musashi Samurai Legend. During the very end of the game where you fight him on the Antheon, I died around 10 times before I realized that I should probably try to use duplication. Not surprisingly, that's exactly what I had to do.

Another tale. A long time ago, I was horridly stuck in Super Metroid. I got the Gravity Suit and was totally lost in Maridia, and for over a year, I had no idea how to progress until, out of complete boredom, I decided to try to power bomb the glass tube for fun. To my surprise, my boredom accidentally uncovered the way to progress. Now that I look back on it, the path you take to get back to the glass tube (the one that connects between Brinstar and Norfair), you do come across a broken corridor. I have no idea why that did come off as some sort of clue to me. .-.
I have a few of these...

FFVII, I was in the desert prison the first time I ever tried to beat it for literal MONTHS trying to find out where I needed to go. Didn't know I was supposed to go under that little chasm, and I never got it untill just a few years ago when I picked the game up again and finally got past that point.

Zelda: Ocarina Of Time, I couldn't figure out for the life of me where the Phantom Ganon kept coming from because I wasn't paying attention to the pictures at all.

Lost Planet on the level with the giant worms that pop up from the ground? I believe it's shortly before you have to fight the woman who's in a VS while you're on foot. I couldn't figure out why I couldn't keep the worm dead, (because they're are an infinite number of them) and I never figured to just run through. I'm quick to a fight like that.

Shadow Of Collosus(spelling?) I refused to be told where the weak points were, and this fought each one of them climbing all over the beasties trying to find the most obvious weak points. For instance, one has a cutscene after you damage his only available weak point, where he drops his sword, but doesn't die. So you have to figure out where the new weak point was, turned out being the palm of his hand, where he held the sword -_- Whole cutscene was about him dropping it, so duh?
PvP: So long ago, I didn't remember to look at the battle statistics screen and found out that I actually had FULL LIMIT, that's why the DARKWAVE that I posted was the turning point of the battle.

KH2: I admit, I didn't even know there was an ULTIMATE WEAPON, not to mention about SYNTHESIS SHOPS! I spent about 20 hours just to try Sephy without it (also the growth skills, but you know). After I made the weapon, 1 st time, I beat Sephy.

I had facepalm moments frequently when I first played Final Fantasy VII. The graphics were so poor that I'd get lost in the environments. Areas that were accesible looked like dead ends to me. In turn, rather than proceeding forward, I'd wander around aimlessly hoping to find my way. Eventually, I'd return and find my way out of sheer luck.
I had facepalm moments frequently when I first played Final Fantasy VII. The graphics were so poor that I'd get lost in the environments. Areas that were accesible looked like dead ends to me. In turn, rather than proceeding forward, I'd wander around aimlessly hoping to find my way. Eventually, I'd return and find my way out of sheer luck.

I did that a lot too during my first play through the game. That area with the crane just before the playground that leads into the wall market was like a labyrinth to me. Seriously, I'm not exaggerating when I say that I probably spent around half an hour there!
Baten Kaitos.... The bosses Agyo and Ungyo. it took my like 20 tries to beat them. i actually quit playing it for like 3 months because of them. It turned out one was a Fire Elemental, one was an Ice Elemental. all I had to do was exploit their weakness, but they were like the ONLY boss i didn't like do a scan on :gasp:

Also, the boss From Last Remnant, The Fallen. GOD that thing was a BITCH. it has like a SHITLOAD of HP, plus you only have 10 turns to beat it, PLUS, all its moves have a VERY high chance of wiping everyone out at once >_< It turned out that instead of having 4 troops/ groups of multiple soldiers, that having 2 groups, 1 with all the best battle leaders and the other with Irina, the best healer, and all healing soldiers worked the first try, after like a week of trying non-stop to go at him with everyone :omg: My boyfriend suggested it as a piss take. and it worked. lol
Had one last night :grumpy: I was chasing after a few small time trophies on Alone In The Dark, and a trophy reads:

Kick 10 Ratz!

Now, knowing me being such an obvious dumbass for not understanding they didn't mean rats as in brown fur, big teeth, like cheese and garbage, ect ect. No, they mean these mutant green spider things that spit poison into your eyes that they list on their non-existant monster info list :grumpy: Silly fucking me.

Sarcasim intended.
I just remembered one from the first time I played MGS 3. It was at the very beginning, when you parachute into the jungle and your parachute gets stuck in the tree. I ran back to the tree and the game kept telling me to press the action button to climb the tree.

Of course, I'm equating the action button with the attack button and so I keep pressing Circle. I even tried X a few times. Snake is punching, kicking, crouching, crawling and looking all spastic but he won't fucking climb the tree. I even called Major Zero for assistance and he just says "Press the Action button to climb the tree." -__-

Finally, I look in the manual and find out that the action button is Triangle. :ffs:
Trying to attack that dino while hunting for the Rogue Tomato. Seriously, I face palmed hard. I ATTACKED SOMETHING THAT WAS RED!!

I think he hit for like 300 HP or something.