Facepalm Moments

I kept ringing the gong at the foot of the mountain in Dragon Age: Origins on the Urn of Sacred Ashes quest recently. Of course, that summons a horrendously powerful High Dragon...which then proceeded to make a barbecue out of my party. I did this four times, then it occured to me...WHY did I keep ringing this gong? Could I not just run past it? So I tried that...away I went. XD

I remember the first time I was poisoned in Pokemon Red, as well...I started crying, because I was sure my game was broken; it kept beeping every few seconds...then, FINALLY, the poisoned Pokemon fainted and it stopped beeping. I was like, "Oh...right..." and just went back to normal. XD
This on is actually kind of frequent for me. Up untill a few days ago when I got the "Fetching playlists" plague, I've been playing Modern Warfare 2 online, and R3 is the knife, and I'm frequent to knife the air when I'm startled by someone rounding a corner who's easilly out of reach, getting me killed without a real fight :grumpy: That knife gets me killed ALOT >.< Can't help but mutter to myself everytime I do it.
Last week, while I was playing CABAL online, I needed help with a quest(I needed to find an a statue). So I asked one of my friend (freaking cheater) about it. He said, "Go to Port Lux, and go down to the birdies. It's right there". After like 2 hours of searching, I called him and said, "It's not even here, YOU LIAR!"

Little did I know, I was standing right next to it!!! :woo:But I didn't know yet. He told me its a big statue, gray, and tall. It's kind of hard to miss. I was uber pissed, so then I moved my mouse over the statue, and there it was.
2 hours of :fail:

For about a month I was stuck on the second level of the original Tomb Raider game. There's a section in a room with skull patterns on the walls that once you enter you can't get out of, there doesn't seem to be anything in the room except a slightly different coloured section of well. Obviously my first reaction was to go here, upon inspecting and pressing X Lara changed her standing position but...that was it. I just couldn't figure out what do despite knowing this piece of wall was part of my way out.

I found out much later that all I had to do was press up or down on the controller while holding X to push or pull the block to clear a path...man did I feel stupid.
Got one today, earlier i was playing Lost in Nightmares on RE5. It was during the duel with
I weakened my enemy to the point of executing a special combo by inputting a certain button combination. I got to the last part of it and i pushed the wrong button, i then died after that :ffs:
I just got to Gonagaga on my PC version of FFVII.

Due to the need for major accuracy to click on the correct part of the ruin and only having the four keys to move it is EXTREMELY difficult to get hold of the Titan materia from inside the ruined reactor. This means I will not be able to get more than 1 Master Summon materia on this play through unless I come back at some point and spend lots of time trying to get it right...

I had one yesterday when I was playing Lost in Memories as well. I decided I'd play it online co op as Jill. and I didn't realize that playin Moonlight Sonata would be an action time sequence.. I FAIL at those i like couldn't get through the first few notes, and then I just kept on failing... the WORST was when I had gotten it like RIGHT to the end, and then messed up. that SUCKED. The guy had a headset in so I could hear him laughing at me over my TV, since MY headset is broken. I felt like an idiot :ffs:
I had one yesterday when I was playing Lost in Memories as well. I decided I'd play it online co op as Jill. and I didn't realize that playin Moonlight Sonata would be an action time sequence.. I FAIL at those i like couldn't get through the first few notes, and then I just kept on failing... the WORST was when I had gotten it like RIGHT to the end, and then messed up. that SUCKED. The guy had a headset in so I could hear him laughing at me over my TV, since MY headset is broken. I felt like an idiot :ffs:

I had that same problem at first, even now I may occasionally mess it up. Another RE5 related one is where I was trying to get the Trophy "Lead Asprin"(Shoot Majini's head off as it's jumping) and I sucessfully pulled it off at least 3 times and I was wondering why it would not show up. It turns out I already had the trophy and apparently got it a few months ago.

A common facepalm moment is whenever I play an Ace Attorney game for the first time and when I present evidence and either:

a. I get stuck and it turns out that I have to present the evidence that makes the least amount of sense.

b. I get stuck and when I finally get unstuck, I see something about said evidence I never noticed before that I should have.

c. I choose a piece of evidence but decide not to present it for whatever reason then present another piece of evidence and get a penalty then go with my original plan and end up choosing correctly.
I know I've had quite a face-palm moments, but the one I remember is from Devil Summoner 2. This is right near the beginning too. The game has these optional sidequest "cases", and since it was my first playthrough, I was more gun ho about just playing the main story and looking at the cases later. Anyways, I was stuck, unsure of what the heck I was suppose after being vaguely told to do something (I think SMT games tend to be overly vague Dx). finally frustrated to the extreme I went to GameFaqs to figure out what I missed.

What I missed was the one, manditory case I was suppose to to choose to do to continue the game :ffs:
Someone sent me a link of a particular scene in FFXIII. Whenever Vanille is with Hope and she starts dancing like a retard whilst moaning. I was thinking...what the hell? Why would Squeenix put that in there? Oh, right. To pander to a particular audience. >.>
I've definitely had those moments. When I first started FFX (First game I'd ever really played too) I started the very beginning but didn't really start playing it until a long time afterward....and I didn't remember anything about the sphere grid!! So I saw the numbers next to the characters going up and assumed that that was their level! So a couple hours in I think I'm at this like..fantastic level..but eveything is killing me dead in a bout two seconds...I felt really stupid when I figured it out.

Speaking of awkward Vanille moments...I had her summon her Eidolon for the first time today...and saw the video of her final attack...when the attack goes off she like..arched her back, throws back her head and screams. I was just sitting there like ......'o_0'....they might as well have just named her 'jail-bait'.
I had a lot of facepalm moments while playing Simon's Quest. It's probably the most confusing game to begin with and there is no map which makes it harder since you have to collect pieces of Dracula in the different mansions, in a specific order too. It's basically impossible to play without a guide or walkthrough telling you where to go and how to get there. My biggest facepalm moment was trying to get to Brahm's Mansion to collect the last piece I needed of Dracula. Well first of all I was playing throughout the whole game not realizing that selecting the pieces of Dracula that I collected actually alters my weapons or defense, which that alone was a big facepalm moment since I figured it out right as I was getting towards the end of the game. It could've helped a lot to know that ahead of time.

Anyways what I needed to do to get to Brahm's Mansion was I needed to take a ride on a boat with the ferryman. Well in order to get to the mansion I needed to select Drac's Heart before boarding on the boat with the ferryman and he would take me on an alternate route which led me to the mansion. Initially I didn't know that so every time I kept getting on the boat he would just take me on the normal route to the town of Aldra, which always led me to take the long way back to the ferryman again. I did figure it out and brought all the pieces of Dracula back to his castle to fight him off once more, which getting to the castle was another facepalm moment.
Hahahahahahaha. I've got a good one. Just now, I was playing FFIV on the DS, and had been struggling somewhat with the random battles in the Magnetic Cave, to the point where I kind of just ran around back and forth leveling up to try to make things somewhat easier. Well, I finally decided today that it was time to go take on the Dark Elf, so I saved profusely, wandered over to his Crystal Room, and initiated the battle sequence...

...Well, I must have died 3 times before I remembered that I never got the TwinHarp (Whisperweed) from Edward. I had been saving visiting him for last when I went to Toroia Castle, and apparently I forgot to actually go visit him at all before I left.
And what's really sad about this is that I have played this game more than any other FF, literally at least 10 times. :ffs:
Hahaha. :lew:

I've played through IV quite a few times myself but I've had a few facepalm moments on my current playthrough.

When you have to go the Magnetic Cave, you have to get a black chocobo. I leave Toroia and fly to some random chocobo forest near Mysidia. And I'm like "wtf? where are the black chocobos?" Then I spent five minutes trying to land my stupid plane near the cave. :dave:

I finally remembered the Chocobo Village was north of Toroia. :ffs:
When I first played FFI...I kept running arround willy nilly trying to figure out where to go it took me like three hours to find Garland ,this is at the begining of the game mind you and then for some moronic reason once I went into the damn temple I somehow kept getting lost and turning arround so id just end up going back outside...so back and forth from temple to Castle Cornilia I went talking to the princess in hopes she would say something NEW when it finaly dawned on me...I can go threw doors...low and behold there was Garland.