Family watched as student dragged into woods


ღWhite Roséღ ♀
Nov 15, 2008
ღAustraliaღ ღQueenslandღღGold Coastღ

A US nursing student was dragged into woodlands by a camouflaged man while her mother and brother watched from inside the family home.

Tennessee woman Holly Bobo, 20, has been missing since Wednesday when her mother and 25-year-old brother reported witnessing the abduction.

Ms Bobo's brother told police he watched through a window as the horror unfolded and a man dressed in camouflage pulled his sister towards the woods, the New York Daily News reports.

Investigators would not say if Ms Bobo's mother or brother tried to intervene, or if they were suspected in the abduction, ABC reports.

Police initially suspected Ms Bobo was the victim of a home invasion, but a spokesman for the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation told ABC "the suspect was never inside".

The suspected abduction has shocked the people of Parsons, a close-knit 2500 person community 160km northeast of Memphis.

About 400 volunteers are combing dense the woodlands for the missing woman. Family and friends held a vigil in her honour yesterday.

Ms Bobo is the cousin of country music singer Whitney Duncan, a finalist on television talent show Nashville Star.
Not too sure what to say about this one. I found this story a bit strange to be honest. =/

Investigators would not say if Ms Bobo's mother or brother tried to intervene, or if they were suspected in the abduction, ABC reports.
I certainly hope they tried to intervene. I doubt I could just stand there and watch my sister/daughter be dragged into the wilderness by a strange man.

Sounds like the abductor went to a lot of trouble to disguise himself. =/
Another strange one.

I too hope they intervened, as it would be horrible to just watch someone get dragged into the woods.

Unless they were involved of course.
What the fuck? Their own daughter gets dragged into the woods while her own mother (at least) just watches? They better have intervened!!

What the hell is wrong with people these days?!

If i saw that happen, i'd be chasing after him!!!

That woman will be - if not already, gonna be raped over and over.
Oh my god. :gasp2: That is blood chilling to think about. That poor woman. I hope she gets found.
I know, if they had of seen the whole thing happen, then they would have had plenty of time to run after the girl before the man took her any further into the woods and lost the family.

He really couldn't have gotten far dragging a girl along with him.

It sounds pretty fishy to me.
I know, if they had of seen the whole thing happen, then they would have had plenty of time to run after the girl before the man took her any further into the woods and lost the family.

and what, wonder the woods in the middle of the night with poor sight and footing? Who knows if the man is skilled in combat, he'd probably drop your ass and you'd be dead for nothing.

It's disappointing that things like this happen, but just because they "watched" it happen doesnt mean the guy was like right outside their backyard, so close that anyone could catch up to him and blow his brains out with their trusty 12 gauge.

but can you imagine how much time it takes to crack someone in the back of the noggin, load them onto your shoulder, and make off into the night with them?

But that's probably why this isn't a featured story on the news. There is no clear description on anything. It's literally summed up as "a man in camouflage kidnapped a 20 year old US med student from her backyard" beyond that, there is no important information at all - it doesn't even say what time of day that the crime occurred.
I have to agree with L on this, the reporting of the story is very murky, very vague, so it's initially open to interpretation. One can surmise that the daughter was at quite a distance during the kidnapping where it would have made it next to impossible for her relatives to reach her in time. We don't know much about the victim's kidnapper: his name, age, height, weight, etc. The camouflaged man in question could have been of a bulky or an athletic build and may or may not have been armed; maybe he was proficient in some form of combat. We don't even know if the visibility was reduced or what time of day this incident took place. If it was at nighttime or during dusk then surely they would possibly catch glimpses of the main in question; however they wouldn't have been able to see much. Foliage and trees can really obscure one's vision, especially when you add in darkness.

The fact that the detailing is so pithy really makes one wonder. When more details are released after a search is conducted then this might make headlines, until then who the hell knows why the family could only stand in shock and horror and watch? Perhaps they were too frightened to do anything, their bodies stiffened in disbelief? Not everyone would involuntarily run to confront the assailant so we mustn't assume that they had some hand in the kidnapping just because they didn't think to go outside and clobber this man to death?
It's a very tragic situation. When I studied psychology I recall reading about a similar case. Sadly, it isn't unusual for people to freeze and simply watch in horror and a gruesome event unfolds in front of their eyes. Some people just aren't mentally strong enough to intervene.
If a part of my family was being dragging into the woods i doubt i could just sit back and watch regardless of what the kidnapper was equipt with. I'd grab a sharp knife from the kitchen and at least try to take him down if nothing else.
Something about this just doesnt seem right, it has to be joke? If its true then I for one am pissed that someone would let any one of their own especially a family member get dragged off like that and not do one thing about it. I wouldnt sit their and watch, I be out their saving my member and beating the crap out of whoever put their hands on them.