Fastest Chocobo

147 (gold) although i blame breeding my chocobos early on with "good" ones when i could have used wonderful+greats as long as i chose great first.

Btw the quickest way to get cash is using w-item + buy 2 reagan (or 1 if your really broke) and 2 sylkis and w-item it + sell.

selling 95ish sylkis gave me 230,000ish gil. Little quicker than master-all materia.
I got Gold female 161mph, 999 stamina. Black male 155, 998 << wont go to 999 lol. And another gold with 155 and 999..... It only let me feed it 40 greens to get 155, and 999 stam.
I think mine was about 150-160ish? stamina 999. But that damned Teoh or whatever is always faster no matter what, but it is satisfying kicking his ass!

I shall check my speeds tonight!
Also all my chocobos now are gold.. i managed 176 and 999 stamina. 176 is limit i think... I Released the chocobo from the guy in kalm. its only 38 speed lmao
I had a golden with 165 Speed, but it seemed like my Black Chocobo was faster and it had 130 speed. Plus I always hated the fact that Teioh's chocobo's always surpassed 999 Stamina and you couldn't =/
True as proof

My Gold one, named Ultima, is 153 speed and 999 stamina. The most intellegent one is my blue chocobo.
I Had a golden Chocobo with speed of 184 (Maybe I can't really remember though ^^) and I never lost once I got it, it took me hours though but it was so worth it in the end that Black Chocobo never won again XD
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176 is the limit, so 184... no. Even in the edit programs, u cant Max more than 176. Took me like 2 days on ps1 to get 176 gold chocobo.
What a thread... :D After reading all you guys wrote, I see that my Goldy was a good one. She's 167. But I gave about two millions Gil to breed her :)
my best was 165 but its intelligence was so bad i couldn't take it out of auto or it would slam into the wall but that mother could run:holyshit:
I've always played my chocobos on manual, so intelligence was never really an issue. I got up to 175 with 999 stamina. The R1+R2 trick also sustains your stamina at max sprint speed . If you're not familiar, hold down R1+R2 when you win a chocobo race, and watch your stamina meter gradually refill.

Anyway back to the racing. All I ever fed my chocobos were sylkis greens. They're the best greens around. They're expensive for a reason. I've sold two master alls that I've always had, because it's really easy to master all materia after the second half of the game, if you don't have atleast one already. I sold one at first, and worked on my beginning chocobos and realized 1.4 mil wasn't enough, sold another one, and that left me plenty to use. I always used 35 greens on each chocobo, and achieved the highest racing rank they could physically achieve on all chocobos before breeding. Using the R1+R2 trick to sustain stamina really helped me get through the ranks that otherwise wouldn't have been possible.

Be warned though, people get different results for a difference of reasons. The greens actually work randomly, and every green has a percentage that it will up this particular stat. Sylkis greens has the best chances to increase your stats, the important ones like speed, stamina, and "they're getting along better" stat. However, generally, if you feed all chocobos sylkis and achieve the highest ranks (as I did) you'll get a really nice reward like my 175 km 999 stam gold chocobo
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After breeding gold & black & wonderful chocobos for about two days, I ended up with a black chocobo with a top speed of 170. The races were easy as hell, and not even when I was up against that other black chocobo did I ever have the need to sprint. Yep, my chocobo was a monster in the races. I wonder what would happen if I inject it Jenova's cells, and showered it with mako.