Fastest time to beat FF7


Oct 11, 2009
What is your personal fastest time to beat Final Fantasy 7?

I don't really remember my old times (beat the game 4 times) But now i have played exactly 6 hours and i am at the great glacier. And im not speedrunning.
mmhmm i think mines around 35-38
saw one guy on youtube with 14 dont no if its real tho
I don't like to rush with games. It ruins the experience and just seems like a waste of time to me. I'm not really sure what my fastest time is with 7, but I know I wasn't trying to beat any sort of records. There's always going to be someone that says they completed it in about 5 hours or something. :dry:
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I can't speed run games, I can't bring myself to do it. The first time I beat it was 42 hours, it's really sad that I remember that...
I got through it in 38 hours first run, now I'm going though and doing all the side quests that I missed first time round
I think FF7 took me 60+ Hours to finish... I only ever finished it once haha. I suck at speed running, I like to dawdle and look around and play mini games too much.
I think my fastest time is on the border of 15-18 hours, I've not even contemplated speedrunning it yet. RPG's are a pain in the arse to speedrun though so that's why.

If you want to look at a good run take a look at this: though the PC version loads faster in many areas I think a similar time could be achieved on PS with many, many restarts and much luck.

On another note, this guy here - is an absolute monster at FFVII, he's been working on a speedrun of it for a while now which makes for pretty interesting watching (such as being up to the Materia Keeper in just three and a half hours).
I don't care to beat it fast...I care to get things I didn't in my previous gameplays and knowing my hobby of leveling up,especially my materia,I do spend many days if not weeks only fighting monsters.I like to take the slow uproach,usually when I enjoy a game a lot.So probably I don't have a fastest time...
mine was in red didgits and it was 9:30

Actually this does not seem unrealistic, or even hard. I just recently wound up at the final dungeon on a third playthrough and my game was also in red digits and like 10 something. I also was not racing to complete it, I just figured I would complete all of the bonus stuff at the end, so now its probably a much higher number since I have started racing and breeding chocobos, not to mention mastered materia to beat the ultimate weapons.
My fastest time for the main storyline was 21:30 or something like that. After getting the limit breaks and weapons and all the chocobo stuff, it went up to about 60:00.