Favorite Airship?

For appearance alone; Ragnarok from Final Fantasy VIII. Overall however, I say I am most impressed by, and like the most the Highwind from Final Fantasy VII, good layout to that airship, nice and big.

Besides, Final Fantasy VII is my favourite FF in general anyways. :monster:
FF6's Blackjack. I just find it so useful, easy to manevour and a delight to fly. That, and I loved FF6, so that helps. :P Honorable mention goes to the Lunar Whale of FF4 for having so much (sleeping place, storage chocobo, etc.) except it's slow as shit. xD
Blackjack and Invincible.

Mod edit: Could you put a little more into your post, and maybe tell us why you like these? Thanks :3
Ragnarok is possibly the most advanced AirShip/Spaceship of the whole series, I dont quite know what that means..........Aesthetically the Hilda Carde 3 was well designed and the cut scene where Dagger cut her hair and H.G3 was introduced is one of my favorite in the series.

The Palamecia fromFFXIII was just a flying fortress! No other FF AirShip , outside of the FFXII Airships (I can't praise that game in the least) has the capacity The Palamecia does its a shame its Run by those Psicom guys imagine if you could acquire it as your own.

Did'nt it crash?

EDIT:The Palamecia is equipped with VTOL thrusters.Nice.(VerticalTakeOff/Landing):)


Check this out! I bet it cant go into outer Space though...........low orbit maybe?

The Highwind..........what a classic.........home made I bet, by cid in Rocket Town
Its looks screwy enough to have been welded together by the grumpy,chain smoking
Dynamite carrying Cid Highwind.
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not sure if it counts as a airship but... The Lunar Whale from FF4.... the name alone had me chuckling and it actually took you into space man thats a first yaknow i dont think any of the other FF games i've played ever took you into space
VIII actually does and you acquire an airship/spaceship in space in that one. xD

Lunar Whale is still better than Big Whale. That's what it was called in the SNES version of IV. I love the translation in that one. Most of the item names and spell names are a good laugh. :lew:
FF8 - Ragnarok, it was a huge airship with an autopilot control...i find it really cool and useful
I'd say the Invincible from FF9. It was badass. It was fast to, it didn't just drag across the map like other FF ships.
The Highwind was badass to though. Theres a half-naked babe on the side of it. Enough said.
It's less of an obvious choice from me, but I'll go with the Blackjack from FFVI.

It's a perfect kind of design. It's not overly technological like the Ragnarok that the sci-fi element overrides the traditional fantasy elements. Yet the Blackjack does not look like the primitive flying boats with propellers in previous games.

And the inside of it - it's a whole flying casino on board. It's a really interesting idea and one that makes me love this airship so much. Too bad it meets its demise when the World of Balance collapses.

I'll agree, the Blackjack is my favorite too :8F: I love how Setzer has it completely pimped out to match his style, and it seems really huge as you're walking around it. Definitely the one I'd like to travel by if I had a choice :ryan:
I have to say Ragnarok because it looks like a dragon and all, dragons are cool so... (no... I took the nickname from the sword/esper in ff6:argh:) as secondary I'd say the summon Ark in ff9 but I dunno if that counts as an airship... and now that I think of it Ragnarok is a spaceship>_<
The Skyfortress Bahamut was my fave. I liked it's destructive power and the aura of wickedness it brought as it flew through the sky. It was a forced to be reckoned with in the game's final moments, and it did have a unique look to it.
9, 12, and 13 all had some bad-ass airships. Still, it's hard to argue against a dragon-shaped spaceship....

That said, the Blackjack seems like the most fun to fly around in