012: Duodecim Favorite Alternative

Setzer Gabbiani

Dark Knight
Apr 28, 2009
Puerto Rico
What is your favorite alternative costume?

My personal favorite alternative costumes are:

Sephiroth - Kingdom Hearts costume
Squall - Kingdom Hearts costume
Cloud - Advent Children costume
Tifa - Advent Children costume
Gabranth - Basch costume
Ultimecia - Edea costume

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Ehh Gabrath has a Bathier Alt? Thought he just had a Basch one?

anywho on topic...

1. Squall-Alt 3 Amano i think
2.Tifa-Alt 1 Leather Outfit
3.Cloud-Alt 1 and 3 Leather Outfit and the Light one the one he wears during 012
4.Terra-Alt 3 Princess..for pervy reasons
5.Yuna-Wedding Dress just seems cool to kick someones ass in a Wedding Dress xD
No problem lol though i wouldent put it past SE to add a Balthier Costume for Vaan or Gabranth eventually x.x;

I might have a favorite costume for Zidane if the DLC comes out in the US ((Canary Cloak))
So far, my favorites are:

1. Cecil's DLC - Finally, something that looks like his sprite and has SWORDS
2. Kain's Hooded Man - I love this outfit
3. WoL's Sprite - The red just looks awesome
4. Gabranth's Black Armor - The black makes him looks more menacing than his normal armor
5. Squall's Amano - Not sure why I like it, I just do

No problem lol though i wouldent put it past SE to add a Balthier Costume for Vaan or Gabranth eventually x.x;

I highly doubt that though. The only reason Ultimecia has an Edea alternate and Gabranth has a Basch alternate is because in VIII, Ultimecia was the one who was controlling Edea, and in XII, Gabranth was disguised as Basch in the beginning.

The only other person whom I'd think would have any shot at having a completely different character as an alternate, would be Cloud having a Zack alternate. It makes sense seeing as pretty much everything he told the group that he had done in the past was actually stuff that Zack did. However, I see that as a long shot. Cloud wearing Shinra garb would probably be first.
Emperor's new DLC Alternative costume looks awesome. I was impressed when I saw the picture of it. Very epic! Now it is part of my personal favorite alternatives list.
yuna DLC.... Cloud DLC and Squall DLC finally Tifa 1st Alternate
Ever since I saw advent children I've always wanted to kick some ass as Tifa in her leather outfit. So I use that one a lot. I also really like Cloud's Cloudy wolf alternative costume, and Yuna's gunner alt looks nice too. Can't wait for it to hit the psn.