Favorite Battle System

Favourite Battle system

  • FFX

    Votes: 8 44.4%
  • FFXI

    Votes: 1 5.6%

    Votes: 9 50.0%

  • Total voters
Final Fantasy X got my vote. I love how you could exceed damage limits,
you could save up your moves on the Sphere Grid, and you could switch characters in the middle of gameplay. I dont like the new Final Fantasies their comin' out with, like XI, XII, and XIII. Theyre so bland, and they dont follow the basic Final Fantasy Principles:
1: Take turns
2: Must go to a Battle Screen and/or have an ATB Guage

My grandma and my mom taught me how to play Final Fantasy 1 and 2. So Im pretty keen on tradition, but alright with the graphics( they ARE the best)
FF XII: It was definitely not revolutionary, if you think it is revolutionary I advise you to play KOTOR . It was easy, and I liked the not being attacked in the middle of nowhere. I could see what was about to fight me.


FF XII has the best battle system.
WTF! you completely switched his words around! isnt that against the rules! If not, Im definately talking to the RPG Directors. If you switch my words around a v-bug is headed your way! thats just not right.
Well for now i would say X as the better battle system but i´m probably gonna change my opinion when i get XII;)