Favorite Book

ummm... i cant really say that i have A actuall favourite. though my rattiest book(s) would have to undeniably be The Obernewtyn Chronicles.
My favorite book of all time is Lestat. I have no clue why, but I was just so into it. ^_^

I also love the Sabriel Series. ^_^
I guess I'll stick to the Old Kingdom series from Garth Nix. Especially the Abhorsen was an awesome read. I enjoyed those books a lot ^^
Its tough to say bout my favorite books is Lord of the Rings, The Dune Series, and The Wheel of Time Series by Robert Jordan...all equally amazing;)
Sabriel. Lirael. Abhorsen.

All three by Garth Nix. Positively kickass books :3
Welp, gotta admit, I was about to post a thread like this one. :P

Well, mine is Huckleberry Finn, outstripping the HP series by just a tiny bit.
Why? It's a captivating read, it has humor, it has politics, it has the rough and tumble traits of a western but is distinctly southern. :monster:
One of the best reads of all time.

Next would be the HP series, but...it's about to be replace by The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. Awesome book about a struggling architecture that reminds me of myself when I read it. You guys should check it out, it's quite long, but it gets me reading, even when I don't want to. ^_^
I can't really pick just one book. Picking a series is pretty easy, no other series dominates my bookshelf as much as all those damned Star Wars novels. I remember about 3 or 4 years ago when I was packing away all of my things during the move to these apartments I decided to count them all up and it was 60-something books that were just Star Wars.

Lately I've been into the Warcraft books since I've been playing the hell out of World of Warcraft for the past couple years. My favorite one out of all those those has been Rise of the Horde. Pretty woeful tale and it kept me hooked, I finished it off in a 24-hour span. The gateway that preceded this laptop had fried that week and that might have had something to do with the rapidity in which I'd read it though, haha.

EDIT - Shame on me for neglecting to mention The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy! Douglas Adams is a fucking brilliant man.
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I don't read many books simply because I don't like it all that much! :PI would pick the Harry Potter books as my favorite. Out of all of them, the Deathly Hallows would win it for me. It's a great ending to the series and I really enjoyed reading it. The whole series is great though!