Favorite Character

OK clearly I am all alone here but my very favorite character was the big puffy chef in pink clothes with a white apron; I don't know his pre-set name but I called him MeatCuk.

Freya. She's one of my favorite Final Fantasy characters.

Zidane comes in a close second. He as a nice change from Cloud and Squall, not that I didn't like those characters, it was just nice to have a different kind of character.

Eiko (yes Eiko) comes in third. I actually liked her brattiness. And her healing was better than Dagger's.
I have to say Amarant and Zidane because of their struggles in life and their realization of who they really are.

Amarant first because he played a lesser role, but still he was one of the major influencial factors to talkl some sense into Zidane when Zidane was throwing his hissy fit in Pandemonium. Amarant explains how he was able to face his past, realize how to care for people, and fight for a purpose in life, all because of his traveling with Zidane and learning from him.

Zidane starts out as a common thief, but gets his hands on something SO MUCH MORE. He discovers his past and who he is. He finds out about why he was created, by whom, and what he has to do to save a world that is now facing total destruction. He takes on this duty with a heavy burden, he faces his struggles, but he comes out in the end with a successful victory.
Mine would have to be ...Blank! I dont know why but i love Blank he is so cool. Zidane should have been petrified in the evil forest and Blank should have been the main player.
After him ...Amarant
Gidan is surely one of my favourite carachter...^^

I love his tail!!^^

Blank is soo sensitive!^^

I hate Garnet though..<.<
I love Zidane so much!
He's the first main character to have so much spunk! He's flirtatious and fun. And he doesn't let his girlfriend get in the way of his actions! =3
He's the perfect leader! <3
Wfkdlfj everyone likes Kuja. ^_^
He makes such a good villain. <3
Garnet and Vivi. To me, those two were the only interesting characters in FFIX. Like, I couldn't wait to find out more about their backgrounds and such.