Favorite Character

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Ah man, no votes for Gau? Ah man, that guy was hilarious. Too bad that he couldn't reunite with his father.

And no Cyan? I loved his sword tech skills. He was the only one that had to charge up to unleash his skills.
I Like Setzer, he could deal good damage if you learn to raise his stats wisely.
Celes is my Favourite FF6 character - i loved her bad guy gone good guy attitude and im a sucker for romance and Celes and locke FTW *in FF6 lol*

Plus Celes Has a cape - how do you beat a cape?

You cant.

Plus ive already decided that Beatrix is based off celes so :P lol
I never played that far.... From the characters that were availible.... I'd say Locke.
I haven't gotten far into the game yet, but from what I see...hmm, Celes and Terra. For some reason, I've always thought that Terra and Locke would end up together, but by reading people's blogs, I find out there isn't even any romance between the two. >.<
I like so many characters from this game! I guess if I had to choose, it would have to be Terra with Locke as a close second.
Well..I have to choose Terra becuase that's my girlfriends name and she'd kill me if i didn't lol..just kiddin..I just wish celes's name would of been Tera becuase I liked how celes looked more the cape was cool..
Well..I have to choose Terra becuase that's my girlfriends name and she'd kill me if i didn't lol..just kiddin..I just wish celes's name would of been Tera becuase I liked how celes looked more the cape was cool..
the cape is good yeah, capes are stylish.
Shadow is my hands down favorite here. He's got this awesome backstory if you search indepth and view his personality as it changes throughout the drastic and tragic events in his life. He's got the atitude of a faithful friend and fighter, but mystery surrounds him.

Sabin is also one of my favorites due to his backstory of losing to Edgar in the King deal, and in the end where him and Edgar totally reconcile and move past their differences. Both great characters. Great game.
Wow... This is a very hard one. I liked Setzer for his outfit, skills, story, lines and ofcourse he had an airship and a way with the ladies. Then I liked Cyan because he had an awesome stroy. A knight, driven by revenge, seeking out vengence on the army that killed his kingdom and family (my own way of putting it ofcourse). But hands down, I would definately have to go with Locke. He had the best personallity and was always ready to jump into the fight and save a prett lady. That guy was my hero for a long time and ever since him I've always picked a theif iin any game that I play hopeing maybe they would have some similarities. Locke Cole is the best Final Fanatasy III/VI character.
Hm.....this is a toughy but. I'm gonna have to go with Gau. Idk his whole "Mr Thou" spiel gets me every time. love that kid.
Locke down! I'm a thief @ <3, so Locke was my man. Not to mention a good friend of mine is a Spoony Bard, so we fit well together. :D
Kefka was cool (gamesharked....), but I would have to go with Edgar, I love his tools command and his royal shock (I think). I also like his attitude about things and his castle (love the dive thing!).
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