Crisis Core Favorite Character?

Frigging Barrett. I mean, he's like Mr. T and has that badass machine gun. Who doesn't love this guy? He's the only character who's weapon actually makes sense!
My favourate would have to be Genesis. I've learned all of LOVELESS and randomly quote it now. My mates hate it but..aww well! Second would have to be Cloud. I don't know why but he's just so in the background in CC until the further you play. I think it's cool as well recognizing him from 7!
Frigging Barrett. I mean, he's like Mr. T and has that badass machine gun. Who doesn't love this guy? He's the only character who's weapon actually makes sense!

Erk...sorry to burst your bubble, but Barrett wasn't mentioned in Crisis Core. But I do agree with his weapon is the only one that makes sense lol.

maddocks97 said:
My favourate would have to be Genesis. I've learned all of LOVELESS and randomly quote it now.

DAMN! That is pretty annoying! I remember when playing the game, he would ALWAYS be saying something and during those times I wouldn't even understand a word that came out of his mouth.
Either Zack or, surprisingly, Aerith. I DESPISED Aerith in FFVII. She was too bubbly, almost to the point of being naive. Yet, other than Red XIII, she should have probably been the wisest one there, at least for her role in everything that happens.

In Crisis Core, Aerith seems like a quiet, sweet girl. Not anything like the impression I got from her in FFVII. Maybe it was the voice acting. I don't know. As for Zack, I just like the way his character progressed through the story. By the end, he is truly the "hero" type.
i like cid and barett(do they appear in the game?i dont remember) they are just like cole and baird from gears of war,and barett is definetly like mr.T
Um my favorite would either have to be Reno because he is so damn awesome, or Lazard who i liked a lot for no main reason in particular
Um my favorite would either have to be Reno because he is so damn awesome, or Lazard who i liked a lot for no main reason in particular

Lazard was pretty neutral to me. I first I was pretty sketchy with him because I wasn't too sure on whether he was a good or a bad guy, but at the end he was a character I was sort of attached to.
Suprised that Cloud hasn't been mentioned yet.

Cloud was my favorite in Crisis Core, regardless of how fairly weak he was at the time. It was great seeing Cloud as a more humble, normal 16 year-old kid. It adds to his developement nicely.
I liked Tifa, she had nice melons and she was really hot, and she was nice too. She would my character if I was in a Final Fantasy game and I was female. I seem similar to her. She has tons of decency in her.
I'd say Zack, I liked his personality alot more than anyone else.
Following closely behind would be Angeal the the "sane" Sephiroth.
My favorite would have to be Zack. He was upbeat, energetic, and put others ahead of himself. Strong as hell and I loved being able to learn more about him.
2nd would be Sephiroth as I loved being able to see him as the heroic and "good guy" type and not a maniac wanting to end the world. Was nice for a change to see that side of him.
zack, he's kind, funny, friendly and he's a real gentleman especially to aerith. for me, he's a real hero. what struck me to like him is his determination to save cloud and reach midgar, he's such a good friend and he's willing to sacrifice to spare his friend's life.

next would be aerith. she's really cute and she's a good match for zack. i love her voice too, way better than in AC.

cissnei, for some reason i like her too. although my friend pointed out that she's flirting with zack, i really couldn't see the fact that she's really flirting with him but it's pretty obvious that she likes him. and i think she'll make a great pair with reno. xD

genesis, one word. HOT. and i like his obssesion over that loveless play and his quotes melt me... :3

cloud, who wouldn't love cloud?

(getting tired of replying)
I have to say Genesis is pretty awesome. ^ ^ He was kinda creepy with his Loveless obsession and whatnot, but it was simultaneously beautiful.

And I must also say that it felt weird having Sephiroth as an ally. I expected him to just go crazy and slice everyone up everytime he made an appearance. X3
I still find Cloud adorable.

I loved Zack as well.Those epic squats,lol.

Aneal was a moving and admirable character.

Also Cissnei,too bad they didn't think of her since the first game.

I'd normally say Aerith and the rest of the original cast,but I believe Aerith was missing her true personality.I liked her more in FFVII when she was more fun and flirty.
Genesis & Zack.

I almost can't separate the 2. Whenever I try to think of my favorite character in Crisis Core, I always think of the confrontations between them. The one where Zack headbutts Genesis, the one where Genesis trips Zack, the one where Genesis becomes that monster just as Zack realizes what he was going through, the way Genesis tested his worth with summons the entire game, etc.

Genesis was a desperate character with an air of mystery & sophistication. He had an intensely competative personality like Sephiroth, which set an explosive chain of events in motion.

Zack was hyperactive, but subtley learned restraint throughout the game. He deeply affected those around him, basically being entirely responsible for bringing Cloud & Aerith out of their shells (although that didn't end well, but hey). He was quick to anger & had little patience for theatrics, which set him at odds with & bemused Genesis.

They were both excellent characters, made all the more awesome by their interactions with each other. While neither can really claim to be my favorite in the entire Compilation, for this game, they had me at Banora.