Favorite Characters

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Galuf and Faris because there truly original characters - and like The Slasher said - it was hilarious when they went o_0 when they found out about Faris :lol:

Plus Krile was just......There while Galuf had a really great Backstory.
I didn't see a favorite character thread for this game, so I'll start one.

Who is your favorite character from this game?

Mine is definently Faris. I thought she was the most developed character in the game. In fact, she's one of my favorite Final Fantasy characters. I would elaborate, but I don't want to post any spoilers in case anyone just started playing this game. I think it's pretty obvious why she's awesome.
I agree.

What's to spoil? You've already ruined it with the pronoun 'she'. Unless she does something awesome at the end. never completed it...
I like this because it's impossible to judge on whom you prefer in battle.

I reckon Faris. Moe developed and pink hair!
Reina's boring
Don (as I called him) sucks. He is a cross between tidus and Zidane
Galuf is very undeveloped, seeing as you don't know anythin about his past...
Dygan Siguara said:
What's to spoil? You've already ruined it with the pronoun 'she'.

You beat me to it! I was going to say the same thing.

But, yeah, Faris is amazing. We really don't get characters like her nowadays. (Wow, I felt like an old lady when I said "nowadays.") On a board from a long time ago, someone asked who explained to her about "that time of the month."
My Fave was Gilgamesh. I thought he was the S*** when I first fought him.

Nail on the head.

Gilgamesh was the only character in the game who had character.

Lenna if you're pushing it.

but I'd argue that Boco had more charisma than she did. More than Butz anyway
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