Favorite Cid

Cid Highwind - his language is almost as bad as mine lol.

He's my favourite playable character in VII, on my first playthrough I never removed him from my party. Even now I have him in my party most of the time. Gotta love him shouting at Cloud to drink his goddamn tea lmao.
I'd say it's a tie between FFXII and FFVII's Cid if Cid Highwind wasn't so badass.

fuck kingdom hearts cid though :monster:
VII's Cid Highwind, he was always in my party and he's just so kickass.
I love using him and battle, but I love his language the most :awesome:
I'd have to go with IV cause he was so handy making airships. People rave around saying VII was the best but I didn't see anything spectacular about him. Sure he was a good character but I just felt like IV did a better job with filling the shoes of the greatest character in final fantasy.
I voted for VII's Cid. I honestly don't know why he's my favorite Cid either. Whether it is the fact that he is a "dragoon" or that it is his personality, I don't know.
Cid Highwind, followed by FFX's Cid.
I don't like the recent spate of bad/evil Cids.
I easily vote for VII's Cid Highwind. His language and what he says is what makes me love his character. And he has a badass Spear/Lance that he wields when he fights. He reminds me of alot of myself because I cuss alot, and he does too so I can relate to that type of a person and he's funny when he says shit too.