Favorite class

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Jun 28, 2006
What is your favorite class in FFT...i would make a poll but i think there are too many classes and i dont know all of them. but if i had to desided it would most likly be a lancer(dragoon), or a time wizard. I did like the summoner, if you had the summons. I mean you could take out like 5 people at onece with a powerfull summon.
Ramza's Squire class, Orlandu's Holy Swordsman class, and Cloud's SOLDIER class are my favorite special classes.

When it comes to generic classes, Samurai, Ninja, and Calculator are my favorites.
Sephiroth of darknes said:
Ummm just wondering what does cloud use as a weapon and how the hell do you unlock him????

Cloud uses normal Swords, like a generic Squire, along with his Materia Blade, which unlocks his limit breaks.

Mustadio must be alive and in your party, you can only do this in Ch. 4, and you have to complete the Igros Castle battles. Now to unlock Cloud:
1. Go to Goug
2. Read the rumors at Goland, go to Lesalia, then agree to accompany Beowulf to Goland. Beowulf and Dragon Reis join your party after the battles
3. Go back to Goug, and Worker 8 joins your party
4. Read the bar rumors at Zeltennia, buy a flower from Aeris in Zarghidas, then return to Goug.
5. Go to Nelveska Temple, and defeat Worker 7, and Reis becomes human
5. Go back to Goug again, and Cloud enters from the machine, but runs off
6. Go to Zarghidas, help Cloud, and he joins your party
- Holy Swordsman (duh!)
- Dancer (They are so useful and quickley levelled!)
- Ninja (not because of geeky reasons. I just think two swords is really useful)
- Mime (Although they are VERY dangerous to have at times, which my poor summoner knew all too well, they kicked much ass)
The best classes are
Calulator... They can end a fight in one turn(Have priest blackmage Time mage, and orical Mastered)and ur god u control fight every turn.)
samurai... Blade grasp..,. Best defence move in the game.
A Priest with Master calculator (Female)(w perfume haste)will easly take orlandu, cloud,and ramza on
best clas imo is the Monk hands down, followed by the dear old thief and Archer. and of course black mage is up there, the basics are always good. best special unique class is clouds, he has some sweet moves
Calculator and lancer.
My calculator has one entire fights with one move. Fights against undead are over before they start.

Lancer, because I love dragoons. FTW.
Well i like
1)Summoner cbacause they are very useful
2)Theif because you can use them to sometimes steal items that you may need
3) Black mage because wel you get to do magic with them
4) last but not least ninjas and soldiers because they are a very useful
well that my opinion...:P
the lancer was pretty sweet...they have a great movement and they can equip the best armor and weapons
The lancer is my favorite, hands down. It seems like a basic job (just jumps for actions), but the spear is so cheap. With armor like that, the lancer doesn't really need to attack from a distance, but why not? Lancers have pretty good reaction skills, too. Next would be monks. They're useful throughout the game.

And I'll be a fangirl for just a second. I think archers are awesome.
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