Favorite class

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1.Summoner: Their just so useful. ^_^
2.Black Mage: Their just so cute! <3
3.Soldier: So fundamental.
4.Archer: Pretty useful.
5.White Mage: Yay for Cure and Revive.
-Ninja for holding 2 swords, speed, and throwing things at people
-Summoner for hitting a lot of people at once
-Orlandu for being a bad ass
Ninja for 2 swords!! and can move far and attack twice
Knight for loads of HP
Holy Knight for Statis Sword
Wizard for Flare
Time Mage for Meteor!
Calculator for awesomness!!
and finally SUMMONER for BAHAMUT@!!!!!@!!!111!!
If it's special classes than Orlandu (whom I call Cid) hands down. This man can solo just find by himself without getting scratched. Why have other knights when he's the best of the best knights anywhere. What can beat All Swords ability?

Ramza's Squire class as few have mentioned before. This class rocks.

Beowulf's Temple Knight abilities was also a cool. I loved his abilities and his shock ability. Also, ability to lower brave and turning enemies into chickens or what not and then abusing them LOL.

Cloud was nice and I actually managed to land a hit with Cherry Blossom but it takes forever. He's pathetic because there are no stronger "material blade." Could be quite useful but not really.

Mustadio's engineer's skills are sweet.

Worker 8. Just "Dispose, Dispose, Dipose."

As for general classes, elemental-pistol wielding-chemist. Time mages with their time magic especially haste. Ninjas because of their ability to travel long distances. Lancers because of their "Ignore-Height" ability. Those Monks skills were very effective til the end.
i like the thief best just because u get to steal from ur enemies, if i had to choose another then id have to say Dark knight because of Night Sword.
i like the thief best just because u get to steal from ur enemies, if i had to choose another then id have to say Dark knight because of Night Sword.

Ah yes, the thief was an awesome class. There were some unique items that could only be stolen from the enemies. I remember stealing the elemental guns which you can't buy and other really nice weapons and gear.
Ninjas suck. You obviously haven't been far enough to realize that ninjas are horrible they have low HP.

Holy knight[Orlandu] [Agrias]
Dark knight[Orlandu]
Divine knight[Orlandu] [Meliadoul]
Temple knight[Beowulf]
hmm my favorite class had to be ninja skills fused with samurai, ramza's squire skills fused with lancer skills, orlandu skills period, and the robot.
the best class for me has always been the monk...

as soon as i was able to get the ability two swords and equipped it...

using a monk attacking twice for 9999
Sorry guys, but i'm gonna close this thread down. I'm gonna make a
favorites thread for FFT. Thanks for understanding.

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