Favorite Dresssphere

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i recently got a few others, now i have the Berserker, Lady Luck, Trainer and something else... i am enjoying the Berserker a LOT, make the character go Berserk is great, she'll attack stronger and automaticly, also i have trained up my Black Mage skills with Yuna, and damn battles are a lot easier, this sphere simply destroys any opponent, the only problem if MP, hopefully i can get my hands on Ragnarok, for a no MP cost or at least half MP cost

Black Mage and Berserker are now my favorites
Only one's I can remotely even remember were the Dark Knights one and the White Mage. I needed heal'n and love'n, I turned to my White Mage. TO kick ass, I relied on my Dark Knights.
yeah, White mage is really essential, i can't imagine playing without one, i tried alchemist, but it just isn't a versatile healing dress... white mage is too versatile to ever be replaced by any other, making it a MUST to have on the field... though it's frailer then an alchemist, and can't dish out damage, it's versatility in protection magic makes up for that a lot, and well, if you have a black mage and a berserker/dark knight next to it, it doesn't matter that much

though it's odd that a berserker which is a primary damage dress has more hp then dark knight which is a tanking/damage dress(high defence)
and the dark knight also uses hp for its strongest attack, so it's quite odd, but well, maybe i'm just overreacting about it or something...
I likes Dark knight as it was strong and looking awsome.

I also likes the mascot dressphere, they looked really stupid in them, and it was the powerfullest dressphere.(Or so I think)
Lady luck

Double exp, amd when you use catnip you'll cause a lot of damage when you do 4 dice ^^ (mostly)
My main party pretty much always consisted of a White Mage, and a Dark Knight. The other (generally Rikku) was the variable. Though for the first few play-throughs, she was my Gun Mage. Those abilities are darn good I tells ya.

Later, she ended up being a Black Mage, Warrior or Gun Mage. Didn't really have much love for the others.

Holy Strike. <3
Ah man! what was the animal one when they were all like barbarians in skimpy animal suits. hawt, my favourite
I like the mascots..... and I especially love pains reaction when they recieved them!!!! ...... now that I think about it.... I'm not soo sure It is a tie between mascots and alchemists.......
i rather liked the Dark night Black mage and Beserker dress spheres, they worked for me and looked gurd too XD
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