favorite FF female storyline wise?

I would have to say Aeris. Even though she isn't the most developed character in Final Fantasy, she was such a great character and without her FF7 just wouldn't have been FF7. I wish that she didn't have to die in the game, but she was one of my favorite characters. Her healing powers were also very useful at times.
Its kinda hard for me to say, regardless of the storyline im just gonna end up naming my favourite female characters=/
Il say Garnet, she was key in IXs story her character really changed as the story progressed, i think that made her the most notible for me. Same could be said for Yuna aswell. She grows stronger and stronger as the story unfolds in ffx.
Celes or Terra.

They're a few of the only bitches in Final Fantasy that don't play damsel in distress and actually offer more utility to a group than some bullcrap like healing with white magic, which is the most generic crap ever. :monster:
From the Final Fantasy's I've played... [6/7/8/9/10/10-2/and 12 since recently.]

I'd have to say.... Tifa. Not just because she's my favourite character period, but like someone mentioned, she just has so many layers about her. I think she's both strong, but mentally so weak sometimes, it just gives her that, "humanly" realness for me.

Dunno... I also love Fran. (Huggles them both & their storylines) :freehugs:
Take your pick from the three girls of Final Fantasy X.

Yuna, who at first seems a bit weak willed, is slowly revealed to be an extrememly strong and compassionate woman. Her relationship with Tidus also helps display the more innocent and child-like nature of her personality that is endearing to me. She also grows into a more independent figure in X-2 with flashes of spunkiness that really shows how she had changed over the two year period.

Lulu is slowly revealed to be an extremely compassionate and surprisingly sentimental person. While often displaying a tough exterior, she is in fact as caring and kind as Yuna or Rikku. The side-quests further reveal a young woman who had suffered a vicious blow to both her confidence and emotions, but managed to persevere.

Rikku... cute, spunky, and often a bit childish, but she often displays a wisdom that is far beyond her 15 years in FFX. The passion she exhibits towards protecting Yuna during her pilgrimage and her desire to save her is awesome. Her cheerful optimistic nature... okay bubbly personality, is so attractive. I also love that, despite all that she went through in FFX, she never loses that fun loving, spunky side in FFX-2. It also doesn't hurt that she loves skimpy clothing.
Garnet from Final Fantasy IX

Garnet takes the role of a stereotypical princess and gives it a bit of a flip turn.
Instead of being too willing on Zidane to save her, protect her, and lead her life for her.
Garnet does things herself and is rather independent and takes action into her own hands. Sure she has a couple of moments when she is in danger, but she's still a strong and stable girl and is able to get through anything mentally and physically in life.

Plus despite being somebody who was born of high beauty and royalty, she doesn't life the most wonderful life. With her mother being turned into some kind of ''monster ''
by some kind of odd stranger, and having to later to deal with the kingdom herself she goes through quite a bit. More than a young teenager should go through.

So yeah picked Garnet.

Beatrix. This girl is a deadly knight, she has some impressive skills (Seikens), and quite easily handle vast armies on her own. She's a talented lass, and it was such a shame to not have her as a permanent party character.
Definitely Yuna for me.

In my opinion she is the strongest female out of all of the Final Fantasy series. (At least from the ones I've played anyway).

She knows that she is going to die at the end of her pilgrimage and yet she retains a strong and reserved personality the whole way throughout the game.

She does break down during The Spring scene though. However, I think I would have been devastated if I had to kiss something as disgusting as Seymour too. :gasp:

She is one of those characters that doesn't let her personal feelings get in the way of doing something for the good of others. Even after she formed a relationship with Tidus she still continued her journey, knowing that she would never see him again when she completed her mission.

The story in FFX is not only about the male lead, it is also about Yuna who's story sets up the entire story for Tidus. Without Yuna, Tidus would have never known the truth of who he really was and never would have become anything more than the famous blitzball star he was in Dream Zanarkand.

Most of the other Final Fantasy's consist of 'Damsals in Distress' female characters and are only good for the love theme of the story.

Yuna is much more than that and is often overlooked in this area sadly. =/
I think my favorite female character is Ashe. She went through all from the beginning but still she was determined and she never gave up on her mission to liberate her kingdom and revenge her beloveds death. I think she wasn't very trusting at the beginning but she grew to trust the party more throughout the game and made close bounds with them. She was very rude and forceful at times, but the crew helps her come to her senses when needed.

Yes, agreed. Ashelia is a very strong character and she actually has a backbone. I really like that
Oh, definitely Quistis, but her story was never developed beyond a failed foster family and a crush on Squall. I suppose that there is a kind of mysterious part of her character that makes me say...hmm. What's up with this chick?

Square should have given her more screen time.

Since that didn't happen, I have to go with Beatrix. Vicious, vicious, vicious. She kicked some major ass. I loved the whole defend-the-queen-but-eventually-realize-that-there-is-something-more-than-duty aspect of her character. Plus, her love/hate relationship with Steiner was deliciously frustrating.

A character that completely blows my mind is Lulu. She's sort of mysterious, aloof, cold, and bitchy, but still has that worried-about-Yuna maternal vibe. What I've never been able to understand is how she ended up with Wakka. Sure, he's Chappu's brother, but he seemed to have that drunken frat boy mentality that would drive someone like Lulu completely mad. I have NEVER been able to see why she was paired off with a guy like that.
Well I could just pick my favourite characters lol....but I won't. Two females who particularly impressed me story wise were Ashe and Yuna. I don't much care for their personalities, but they had real strength and determination. They weren't just ditzy eye candy (well, until FFX-2) or dull wannabe love interests...they had real stories. FFX and FFXII are two games where I truly consider the ultimate hero to be female.